Chapter 2: Guns N' Roses

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I was nervous at first.

I had Walter drive me until I was a few blocks away from the house I was supposed to meet them. Walter originally wanted to drop me off right in front of the address I was supposed to meet Slash at, but like a child not wanting his/her mom to drop her off in front of the school on their first day of high school. We compromised and he dropped me off five blocks from the address.

The entire walk and car ride I practiced lowering my voice in attempt to sound more like a guy. People must have thought I was crazy, and to be completely honest I probably was. I was walking with a sausage taped to my thigh. Kinda funny how a party trick I would use to mess with a drunk Macy could turn out to be so useful.

"Duff?" A curly haired guy answered the door.

I nodded my head and followed him into the run down house. I couldn't decide which was worse, the smell or the roaches that acted as if they owned the place.

"You're not a mute are ya?" The curl hair guy asked as he motioned me to join him on the ratty couch.

"No, but there are plenty of people who wish I was," I felt my nerves relax as he laughed. At least he was buying the fact that I was a guy.

"You the bassist?" I turned my head to see a blonde scurry into the room and join us on the couches.

I held back a laugh as the curly haired guy sent the blonde a quick glare. It was clear that the blonde wasn't following whatever plan they had made.

"Yeah, guitar and drums if needed too," I slowly spoke every word trying to keep my nerves under control. Long story short is that when I get nervous I sweat. My greatest fear was that I would sweat so much that the tape would no longer be stuck to my thigh and my fake dick would fall to the ground. I don't think I could ever recover from that.

"You hear that Steven? You better watch out," the curly hair man teased causing the blonde, Steven, to playfully roll his eyes.

I had only met two of the members from the band, but I felt something. No I'm not saying I had a crush on them or something stupid like that. I'm not going to fall into that stereotype, plus I'm masquerading as a guy right now. What I felt was a click, something that put me at ease.

I immediately jumped to the thought wondering maybe I should have came here as Michelle. Maybe I would have felt the same click? I had to immediately shut down all of those thoughts. I had tried countless bands as a female and I was always treated the same way. Plus, to them I'm Duff, and that's how it's going to stay.

We talked for what felt like minutes, but when I checked the clock that hung on their wall, hours had passed.

They were a chill group of guys. I mimicked their movements and their body language as we spoke and joked. For the first time in a while I felt excited for a band. They weren't watching what they said, they weren't treating me like a dainty flower or checking me out. I was excited to be apart of whatever they were creating. I just hoped they didn't suck.

"So we have a bassist, a drummer, and a guitarist....where is the rhythm guy and singer you mentioned?" I asked trying not to sound too anxious. This probably sounds silly but I was afraid to go pee. I honest to god didn't know if it would sound different if I peed like a normal chick and peed standing up.

Before Slash could answer, two people I wished were strangers came plowing into the house. 

"I'm just saying, he had it coming. Say what ya want Iz, but I'm not wrong," I'm sad to say that I've met Axl and Izzy on several occasions. Long story short one of my previous bands and the Indiana boys didn't get along. In my defense, who actually got along with Axl Rose.

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