30. A New Beginning

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He sighed, crossed his hands behind his head, and laid back into the grass. Dew soaked through his shirt. His eyes watched the gray and pink clouds floating across the brightening sky.

"I also wanted to become a Hero to be like my parents. It was the only connection I had with them, and I thought they would be proud of me if I could become one, too. I still remembered that promise I made to you, saying that I would become a strong Hero no matter what. Do you remember that?"

"Of course I do."

"I thought that somehow," continued Riarshi, "if I became a Hero, I'd be able to see everyone who left me again."

He propped himself up with his hands, supporting his weight through his palms. "I know that doesn't make much sense. And I know it's completely and utterly selfish. But those memories and my own self hate drove me toward my goal."

"Contrary to what you believe," said Khohn gently, looking out over the golden horizon, "it does indeed make sense. It's normal to have selfish goals, Riarshi. Every goal ever created has contained some selfish component to it. Whether that be monetary gains from robbery or self satisfaction from charity. Both will result in something positive for the person who created the goal. As long as your goals make you strive to better yourself as a human, man, and person - all for the greater good of society - that's all that matters."

Khohn turned his head to look at Riarshi, but this time, without his typical thick-lensed glasses. Instead, it was his two emerald eyes which stared upon Riarshi. "But I guess those memories about your parents and myself were a couple that slipped through the cracks of the seal," he chuckled, scratching awkwardly at his scruffy chin.

"Speaking of the seal," said Riarshi, "didn't you say that there was a message you had for me? What was that about?"

"Oh yes, that." Khohn lifted his hand and snapped his fingers. A green spark flew from his fingertips and lazily floated over to Riarshi. "Adding this was the first promise I made your father in that dream. It could only have been opened once your seal re-loosened. This spark is the key."

The small spark spun through the air, did a swirling flip, twinkled, then landed onto the top of Riarshi's head, burrowing in through his hair. Suddenly, a green light flashed in front of his eyes, sending a subtle shock through his brain and temples. After the brief sting in his head vanished; a large, green tinted screen appeared in front of him, hovering above the skyline.

It was a recording, featuring two oddly familiar-looking people.

"Hello? Hello? Is this thing on Khohn?" asked a tall, lengthy man with chestnut-brown hair slicked messily back. He towered next to a shorter woman who had long, shining scarlet hair draping past her shoulders. Her blood-red eyes held a slight intimidation to them, but were dazzlingly beautiful at the same time.

Then it clicked...

Wait... these were...

"Yes, it is. Now just talk, you idiots!" Khohn's voice hissed from the background of the recording.

"Okay. Erm - hey, Riarshi, it's Dad!" the man bellowed.

"And Mom." the red-eyed woman added softly.

"Unfortunately, if you're getting this message, it means we're dead. And for that, we're both sorry," the man said while awkwardly scratching his sideburn.

The woman rounded on the man. "Dammit, Rollan. You did not have to say it like that!" she snapped.

"Huh? How else do you want me to say it?"

"Whatever. Just let me talk," the woman scoffed, shaking her head and pinching the skin between her brows.

"We wanted to leave you a message, Riarshi. To tell you... that - we did not mean to leave you alone. We swear. We only wanted to protect you and your future. It means we had to do everything in our power to ensure you did not become a tool."

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