12. Merino's (Part 2)

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After finishing their food, Riarshi, Tabito, and Hara remained sitting in the booth and listened to the music playing out in the square. The tune playing from the center was loud enough that it carried through the open window, giving the teens a show along with dinner, for no extra charge.

The music was pleasant and relaxing to listen to. Originally a mix of classical rock when they first arrived, a newer group had taken control of the stage while the three of them ate. The band, consisting of five members, was much more laid back and conservative than the previous. Their smooth guitar rifts, long beards tied at the ends with beads, and rainbow-colored bandannas reflected their more lax outlook on music. The slow rhythm of the strings and the light tap of the drum cymbals nearly lulled Riarshi to sleep as the heavy food took its time digesting in his stomach.

Tabito wasn't exaggerating or lying when he claimed this place was a popular spot for students. At about five o'clock, dozens of fellow Hero Program students and other people their age flooded into Merino's, filling each available booth and table. The soft mutter that once floated throughout the diner transitioned to loud conversations and the occasional chime of glasses and utensils. Orders flooded through the service window, causing the fryers and grills to sizzle louder than before. The noisy bustle of the packed diner was the only thing keeping Riarshi awake in his seat.

The quality of the food also pleasantly surprised Riarshi. It was cheap enough for a commoner to afford, but the taste was so unreal someone truly skillful must have prepared and cooked it - possibly with the help of magic.

Tabito had also been exceedingly friendly the entire time they ate. He told Riarshi everything about Spiritfield, such as the optimal times to shop at the square (or the other plazas located around the city), the best clubs to party and drink at, which store keepers would rip you off if you didn't haggle the price, and where to buy the best tasting food. He laid out every little detail of what this city offered between bites of his own meal.

At first, Riarshi was nervous about exploring Spiritfield. His heart raced whenever he thought about walking through it alone or without guidance. His body, now itching with excitement, yearned to see every inch of the enormous city. His normal routine of nightly exercise and movies was growing dull now that he had become an adult. 

Sharing a laugh with Tabito, Riarshi realized that this was panning out to be one of the best nights he had in a while.

His mind and body felt free. He was... happy.

Riarshi wanted to sit for a while longer to savor his dinner, even if he had to take a late bus home tonight. Despite being happily awoken to the wonders Spiritfield offered, and the wonderful music playing out in the square, the best part about this meal was that it was a gift. Even better, it was a favor from someone who hadn't once treated him like dirt.

Something still lingered in the back of Riarshi's mind. A sharp insecurity. He had not once encountered someone with stronger magic who considered him an equal.

Why was Tabito different?

Riarshi rubbed his full belly, curious if Tabito's earlier words were truly sincere. Tabito had already told him about his sister, but Riarshi needed more reassurance. He only hoped that what he was about to ask wouldn't annoy Tabito.

"So, Tabito, I was just wondering... Does being in public with a Lagic like me bother you? You probably know by now, but not many people are rooting for me in the Program. In fact, I bet more than half of everyone in class wants me to fail out. Every day I have someone tell me I don't belong and it would be best if I just dropped out. Are you scared what they'll think if people see you with me? They may start going after you."

The Divine Demon - Book 1: A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now