"Sharp Two, in the conference room, don't forget." He said, "I am not going to Sir, you can be sure of that." She said leaving. But all she can think was, he was going to marry Mia, and soon they will be engaged, soon he will be hers. And she will just be the silent spectator, because as much as she wanted to convey her feelings to him, she knew it is selfish and beside as Reva told her before.

Sister's before Misters

In any world there is, Mia is much more important to her than any Christopher, any one that can ever be close to her like he came once. The memories of that night, kept her awake, night after night. 

She cannot forget them no matter how much she tries and now her own thoughts started to scare her so much. So much, that she wanted to run away and never return. But as she said where she can run? How far she can go? Eventually she has to come back, and face the reality of her life.

"You told her about the D' Silva Contract?" Forrest asked Christopher as they were going through last bit of the preparation for the conference, he had planned at two. "Part of it, that I am going to marry D'Silva's daughter and that her friend is getting engaged to me in three weeks it will be official." He told Forrest.

 "And she is alright with it after..." "I was trying to save her, alright? I don't harbour any kind of romantic feelings towards Miss Ray, As a doctor I can go this far for anyone, you know that, I worship my profession. I always had and I always will."

"You are I know that very well, but have you considered, she might have not the same feelings as you do? She might just think otherwise? As far as I know her, she is in very deep pain, keeping many things within her. Struggling to share her truest desire, struggling to accept her happiness. As far as I know, she has seen a lot in such young age. Suffered too, maybe that thing is common between you two. You both are not very open with your feelings"

"I don't have any feelings regarding her. I don't feel anything." "You don't feel anything for Kelly too, nor do your current fiancée to be, but I don't see you avoiding them, or averting your gaze, or thinking before telling anything, I have known you all my life and you are in the moment kind of person, so you know in front of Miss Ray, you just think, before you speak why is that?" Does he behave that way? How he never noticed that before?

Forrest patted his back "I am going to suggest you something, buddy. If you don't really feel anything for anyone, what bad it will be if you married Pia instead of Mia? Both of them are related to D' Silva, in fact I think marrying Pia would benefit you more, than marrying Mia. Because you already know her, well enough. And what more she never complains about anything. Think about it, you have until Feb 14th to figure this out." With that said Forrest left Christopher alone with his thoughts.

The clock showed 1:55 P.M. She made her way towards the conference room. A strong gust of wind flowed and pulled her Dupatta away, she covered herself with her arms. And then she entered, the whole room was doused in darkness signalling there was no one around. She looked at the file and decide to go through the key point as she was sure, he wasn't going to give her a crash course in this.

She was going through the files when she felt his presence. It had been a week since she had been alone with him, very alone. "Miss Ray, I am glad you are here." He was about to turn on the light when she stopped him. "What's the matter Miss Ray?" He asked.

 "I..." She didn't know what to say, it was a silly thing, to feel embarrassed. Just because she lost an article of clothing. "Perhaps this will help." He wrapped something around her shoulders. "How did you..." she paused. "it doesn't matter Miss Ray, how did I got your cover, it is here isn't it? Now can I see you or it is still forbidden to see my sister-in-law?" He asked.

Sister-in-law, isn't it? But she should be happy right? It is Mia he is talking about. "Tell me on thing Miss Ray" he asked as he was setting up the call. "What is it Sir?" She asked politely. "Why it is that, you are not protesting about me marrying your sister?" 

"Mia, is not just my sister, she is not just my Aunt and uncle's daughter. In fact none of my friends are just my friends Sir, they are my saviour. They have helped me so much, that I cannot feel jealous or envious of their happiness. So, if you marry Mia, I just wish that you treat her like a princess, she deserves that."

He wanted to ask what she had meant, "Why did you call them your saviour?" he asked finally not able to control his curious mind. "Because without them I never been this, a neurosurgeon, I never able to achieve my dreams, my uncle and Mia, are the only immediate family I have." She said. "And what about your own family?" He asked.

 "Someday, I will tell you sir. My life story is a long and boring one. If you want to listen, I will tell you everything. One day, but today, you need to focus on this conference, I will stand by to take notes and if you need anything else." He nodded.

The lights got dim and the screens came on, he was on this side and on the other side were five more doctors, all of them have been his mentors once in a life. And he was lucky enough to be trained by some of the best this field can offer. He was lucky?

 No, it was his unique talent that had made everyone interested in him and his work. And for some reason he can see the same potential within her. She is also going to be someone very successful all she needs is right boost. And the things she had said about her past?

You should marry her; she would be perfect for you.

Why Forrest said this? He didn't know. He didn't know. He looked at the men on the screens. "Respected chair person, let me introduce you my partner for today, she is my intern and also, a doctoral candidate here in woodland. Miss Pia Ray." She came in front and he pulled her discreetly to his side.

"You have taken an intern I am impressed Christopher," His own mentor told him. "Yes, I have sir." "And she is also a doctoral candidate under you I presume?" Another one asked. "Yes sir, you are right again" he answered politely. "Impressive, Christopher, you have come a very long way from where we left you."

Pia was silent as he was explaining the research to them. She was listening to his voice. And looking at the expressions of the medical board he thus created, she can tell they really are very much important for him and that they too like him. And proud of his work too,

 "That is a very good proposal virtually, but what are you proposing, can it be possible that it can be applied in practical life? Why we ask for a grant on what basis? Do you have any evidence that what are you planning is going to have any effect at all?"

He was silent, very silent. For a moment he didn't really know what he was proposing, does it have any kind of direction? He was talking about human brain after all, it is a thing no one knows clearly about. No one knows, what is really goes inside the human brain, with extensive research still going on how he can be sure that this therapy will help him?

"Look we appreciate how much progress you had made so far, we do not wish to disappoint you son, but..." "Sir if I can prove that this can work, can you work for the grant?" He heard her voice. 

"Miss Ray... they know things, if they are telling that..." "Let her tell what she wish to say, Christopher, maybe she can shed light on something we are all ignoring?" He looked at her, "Let's see what you can do Miss Ray"

Word Count: 2204 Words

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