I'm no pessimist!

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All they did was leave me all alone
In an abode with lights that only knew how to break a heart
They said it could help out,
They said it could help me grow
But how on earth could such a place be the spring of life,
How was I supposed to face life in the eye and say
"Hey, here I am for you..."
I'm not a pessimist
But say to that this place held such a thing as a candle of hope was such a play down
Or rather such an insult!
This place was only capable of draining the little life that I had in me.

The darkness crept
The atmosphere only sucked the light out of my merry soul
Turned me into a version of reality that nobody ever wanted to glance at
And now look at me!
Oh, such scorn!
I'm drowning in a lake so shallow
And yet the depths of the pain that I feel cannot be fantomed

It's been a year
And I haven't said a prayer
I've lost all the hope in life
But no!
I'm not a pessimist

They left when they could have stayed
They let go when they could have held on
They shut all the lights when they could have lit the room

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