The devil incarnate.

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I met my lover halfway down my lane
Deceived by the devil's works upon his flawless glow
I convinced myself he's my perfect
I wandered through my street
And when I looked back at him,
He gave me that smug look...
Surely his kind of smile could melt my stone cold heart.

I allowed myself to feel every bit of it.
Fondness I termed it,
Little did I know his father the devil had a bigger plan for my poor little naive heart
He promised me all that the heavens had to offer,
And the dreamer in me took his every word as gospel
And now when I look back at how silly I was
I want to laugh at the person that I was...

Two years later,
I've ripped my heart out of its cage,
I have it held out, waiting for more from a world so cruel
A place where the devil has made it a point to roam all the way
To adopt more like my lover
To make them savages that devour dewy-eyed girls like me...

It's so tragic to think,
Tomorrow she'll tell her story,
Beginning with the same line,
"I met my lover halfway down my lane"

Nobody said it was this hard being a girl!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ