4-Mineta's Torture(and assigning rooms with british robots)

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3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

All of a sudden there was a scream coming from in side the room. PWSNBN was now banging on the door begging for forgiveness. that's when they heard it the most disgusting thing ever.

"Why don't you bring your donkey to my swap" Everything went silent then more high pitched screaming occernd until not a sound was heard from the room. The teachers were looking around whistling as if nothing happened. The students just ignored it except for Iida.

"This is unacceptable how could you do this to another student i'm disappointed in you Midoriya" Iida kept going one. Izuku rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Don't worry hes fine i'll let him out in a day or two and he'll be as pure as y'all thought I was' (here it is again just my southern shining through) He just smiles "Alright now for your rooms. Class 3-B I barley know any of y'all so just partner up not male female partners. Moms rules. Ok class 3-A let me see... Ok so here the pairs

Room 1- Kami and Shinso

Room 2- Uraraka and Tsu

Room 3- Kiri and Sero

Room 4- Mina and Hagakure

Room 5 - Tokoyami and Shoji

Room 6- Momo and Jirou

Room 7- Sato and Ojiro

Room 8 - Kouda, I know you have social anxiety and want your animals so you'll have your own room

Room-9-Iida and Aoyama and for the love of My Dad Aoyama NO FUCKING CRYPTIC CHEESE MESSAGEs. And with me will be Kacchan and Todoroki-kun. Ok that's it have a nice day Kacchan and Todo follow me."

No one questioned Izuku they all just went to their rooms or in Todoroki and Bakugou case just followed him. When they got in the room they couldn't help but gawk at it. The room was huge it was the size of at least two of Izuku's old apartments. "Alright one sec" Izuku said "Clyde" Izuku said. the other two males where waiting for another demon to appear when all of a sudden a loud voice came from the room.

"Yes Master Izuku" The computer butler said in a british accent.

"I need two more beds, dressers, and nightstands." Izuku said to which the computer started geting to work and in no time there was everything Izuku had asked for sitting right their.

"Anything else Master Izuku" The computer asked waiting for a response.

"Hmmm Oh yes please announce to classes 3-A and 3-B as well as the staff that all their rooms have a bathroom and walk-in closet attached" Izuku says and the computer complies before going offline in the room. "Alright same goes for here bathroom is right their and closet's there" He said pointing at each "For your section of the closet just say 'Clyde "your name" Closet' and the closet will shift. If you need anything feel free to ask Ash i'm going to sleep.

And with that the greenette belly flopped on to his bed passing out shortly after. The two taller males just glanced at each other before each claiming a bed and unpacking.

Word count: 1125



Any way i'm back bitches! Still don't know why you read this crap it's like turning into some weird meme book now but whatever. I'll try to maintain a semi-normal update schedule but i have fucking school so yeah...

Sorry this sucks it was a little rushed plus its like 1:30 am, I had soccer practice earlier [Ik i play soccer shocker (I also do cheer and volleyball) but i am no way in hell a "preppy popular girl"(nothing against those who are)] plus I have to get up at 5:30 for school but I wanted to get this chapter out so here ya go! See ya next time~.

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