1-Feild Trip?

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*2 years after the prologue*

Blasty-Boi's Pov

"Ok everyone settle down I have an announcement" Mr.Aizawa says climbing out of his sleeping bag. "We are going on one last training camp before you all become Pro's" he says causing the class to erupt in whispers.

"But sir this is an irresponsible action on UA's part to take us on another trading camp we every one we've gone on has been attacked by villains even this year" four-eyes says doing that weird hand thingy.

"Oh will you just SHUT THE FUCK UP AREADY" I yell at him causing him to start scolding me. I just roll my eyes and stare back out the window.

"Iida sit down and let me finish" Aizawa says glaring at four-eyes. "As i was saying the place we are going is a place the villains are afraid to go"

Cause-your-hot-then-your-cold's Pov

"the place we are going is a place the villains are afraid to go" Aizawa says earning a confused look from everyone until Tokoyami shots up.

"Y-you don't mean the Demon kingdom" he says sounding slightly excited and scared at the same time (Tokoyami is also from the kingdom cause why not but he doesn't know about Izuku being there)

"Yes I do mean the Demon Kingdom" Aizawa confirms causing everyone to go wide eyed including me. "Some how All might has connections with the King so you all will be attending his son's school for the rest of the school year, three months. I will still be there and teaching you but the king's son will join our class" Aizawa finishes.

"Stupid royals" I hear Bakugo matter seeing as I now sit behind him since Miydoria moved.

"Oh and class 3-B is coming too" Aizawa add causing Bakugo to shot up.

"WELL WHY CANT THE DAMN PRINCE BRAT BE IN THIER FUCKING CLASS" He yelled causing most of the class to roll their eyes. 'He's right though why doesn't he just be in 3-B they have an open spot after all' I think.

"Apparently the king made his son being in our class the only condition so All Might immediately agreed. anyway we leave in a week so you have this time off to pack and get ready" Aizawa finishes dismissing the class.

Broccoli's Pov

"You needed us father" I say. We usually don't have to act all proper but right now we're in the thrown room. With mom.

"Yes son, we have a very prestigious school coming here for a training camp. They will arrive in a week so I want you to meet me out front of the school with Ash when they arrive," Father finishes.

"Yes father but if I may ask where will they be staying."

"They will be staying here in the castle. We will have two to a room but you will have two staying in your room," Father says. I give him a surprised look.

"But why my room and why two people" I argue.

"MANNERS IZUKU" Father shouts. "And because I said so. The teacher also requested one student have his own room for... reasons" he continues "They will be staying here for the rest of the school year and attending your coronation."

"BUT DAD THATS THREE WHOLE MONTHS" I yell trying to get out of this.

"No buts and you will also join there classes for lessons."

"What about Ash" I say. Dad knows I don't do anything with out Ash. He stares at me and sighs.

"Fine Ash can be in that class too. Now will you stop nagging" he says annoyed.

"Yes thank you very much" I say and skip off.

Demon King's POV
'Lord what am I going to do with this child.

"That was probably a mistake you know." I hear someone say cousins my to jump.

"Oh Izumi dear it's just you. You scared me half to death you know," I say.

"Sorry daddy but I just thought I'd let you know" she says before flying off. 'These children I swear'

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