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"Thanks Sam. It means a lot."

"So, what do we do?" I asked as soon as my phone lightened up with a text notification.


Sam! Where are you?

Cecilia shrugged but remained silent.

"Excuse me." I said, as I texted Crystal back.


In the library! Why?


Is Cecilia with you?

I showed Cecilia the text and she shrugged. I frowned. I didn't like the way she was suddenly being indifferent.

"Are you okay with her coming over?" I asked, instead of the complaint that was at the tip of my tongue.

"Sure." She said. Thankfully, she didn't shrug. So I texted Crystal.




K. Coming over.

We stayed in comfortable silence for some minutes before I could no longer hold myself.

"Why?" Cecilia turned to look at me.

"Why what?" She asked, clearly confused.

"Why does everyone bow to Caleb?"

"Because of his father!" A voice said from behind, startling Cece and me. Crystal plopped down on the seat beside me. "Hey Cece!" She said, a sad and tired look on her face.

"Hi." Cecilia said, forcing a smile.

"Can't believe you guys have been here all along! I had to take care of those idiots myself!" Crystal huffed.

"What?!" Cece and I said together. But while mine was out of curiosity, Cece's was out of despair.

"Relax!" Crystal rolled her eyes. " I got some juniors to gather every single picture of Cece and we burnt them at the school's backyard." I sniffed towards her but she shoved me away.

"I sprayed some cologne afterwards." She huffed. I grinned and was about to raise my hand for a high five when Cecilia suddenly slammed her palms on the table.

"Guys!" She exclaimed. "I appreciate your concern but from now on, please STAY OUT OF THIS! Do you realize what you've just done, Crystal?" Crystal looked both surprised and offended.

"Are you kidding me?" She snapped at Cecilia. I placed a hand on her arm to calm her down so she wouldn't upset Cecilia. But my hand got shrugged off.

"If you are not going to do anything about it, I am!" Crystal glared. "This is MY SCHOOL and since it is the only weapon we have against Caleb and the rest for now, I will definitely use it. Enough is enough!" Cecilia tugged at her hair and groaned.

"You don't understand guys!"

"Then make us." I said, softly. I understand her pain but I don't understand why she's allowing it!

"I can't." Cecilia said and I noticed her eyes darted to Crystal immediately.

"I still don't understand why they did that to you though." Crystal said, a scowl on her face. I glanced between her and Cecilia before my gaze finally rested on Cecilia's.

"Neither do I. But why?" I asked.

"Why what?" Crystal said, her interest piqued. Cecilia groaned but I ignored her.

The Bullies' Slave 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt