Chapter 13 - Loud & Louder

Start from the beginning

Waiter: Your order will be ready in about 45 minutes in the meantime here are some complimentary tokens to keep you guys occupied while you wait.

The waiter gave Logan a bunch of tokens before heading out to make their order.

Lincoln: Cool! You guys up for some games?

Luna: I'm down, Bro.

Lynn: Count me in.

Leni: Yay! Me too.

Luan: It'll be fun.

Lana: I can play.

Lincoln: Sweet! How about you Logan?

Logan: Sure.

They went to play some games leaving Lori, Lucy, Lola, Lisa, and Lily at the table while the others went off to play.


Lori: Why aren't you guys going?

Lisa: I see no particular reason to entertain myself in such trivial games.

Lucy: I don't like playing bright and flashy things.

Lola:  As if! I would touch any of those germ-covered games.

Lily: *Giggles*

Lori's Mind: *Groans* I just wanna be left alone and go home already.

As Lori was deep in her thoughts, Lisa noticed and decided to question her.

Lisa: Hm, Eldest Female sibling, might I ask the reason for your unsightly and uneasy behavior.

Lori: What?... I-It's nothing okay!

Lisa pulls out a tape recorder and pressed record.

Lisa: Interesting, Seems like with the presence of the Eldest Male sibling in the family, the previous eldest now show signs of disapproval or for better a fact, just missed her authoritative figure.

She placed the recorder back in her pocket and waited for their order.


(Silence incurred the table)


Lucy: Lori, Why do you hate Logan?

This caused Lori to snap out of her thoughts and almost shouted at the question.

Lori: WHAT!... Uh, I-I mean... I don't hate Logan and e-even if I did, none of you will get it... not even you Lisa.

We see Lisa with her mouth open before promptly closing it signifying her defeat, after what Lori's rebute.

Lola: You know, you should take a load off. I mean what's not to like about Logan anyways.

This made Lori angry but decided to let it slide... that is until her other siblings agreed with Lola.

Lucy: Lola's right. Logan does look like a good brother, maybe even better than Lincoln if we get to know him a bit better.

Lisa: I agree, even though you seem to despise him for personal reasons. It is in fact that he showed signs to be responsible as yourself, but less bossy.

Lily: Poo-poo.

After hearing his sisters talk about how great of a brother Logan is, Lori was on the verge of lashing her anger at them but decided against it as to not make a scene.

Lori: (Angry) I'd shut up! if I were you.

This made them go silent so as to prevent Lori from taking it out on them. Meanwhile with Logan and the rest of Loud children. Lincoln and his sisters were watching Logan killing it at 'Just Dance' immediately breaking all previous held records and still counting.

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