15 0 0

"ARE YOU FUCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND?!",he yelled once again.

Ever since I told Alaric of how I got here, he's been acting like a total jerk by telling..no..screaming at me. Idiot. I should've never told him anything. Because now he is acting like my dad and a douchebag too but that's another story.

"Autumn something could've happened to you! What if some creep started following you?! Do you have any idea how unsafe it is out there?!"

"Jesus Christ Alaric, stop it! Don't act like you care. I was following Issac. For fucks sake shutup!"

Okay that wasn't intentional . Ughh. I know he cares but he- no excuses. Shit what have I done. He isn't even talking now.

"Hey I'm sorr-"
Before I could say anything else, he pinned me against the wall. Not to mention that he is still not wearing a tshirt.

"W-what are you doing?", I stuttered under his gaze.

Just then, he inched closer. At that very moment , everything seemed to stop. A lamp was lighting up the whole room.
I could see nothing else except his eyes as he stared deep into mine.
Despite of how much I tried hating him , his flaws were too perfect for me.

He made me go weak in my knees. I could drop onto the floor if he wasn't holding me , more like pinned me. But I'll always try to move away from him, because maybe we arent meant for each other. He will never like me. And I can't like him either.

His orbs looked like raging storms again as he stared at me.
He was a good foot taller than me. So that my head was resting against his chest.

Suddenly, his hands started moving up and down my arm. He laced our hands together. And for some reason , I loved how our hands fit so perfectly.

"Rose", he whispered in my ears ,closing every space we had between our bodies. We were pressed against each other.

"Y-yeah?", I breathed out.

"Do you know why I call you Rose?" ,ye spoke ever so gently.

I looked up at him, wanting an answer. I was curious to know why he called me that.

" Roses are my favourite. So beautiful yet they hurt the most. You are so beautiful , but your words hurt me like thorns."

And I lost it. I didn't know how I managed to hurt him. I know I'll get an answer to that but his explanation made me loose my speech for now. I don't know how I should answer him. I can't. I just can't.

"But it's okay. It's okay Rose. I'll go over a thousand more thorns if it means I'll get to see you every day. "

How is it possible for someone who was beating the crap out of someone a few minutes ago to be so sweet right now. Especially with me.

Abruptly, he hugged me. And the comfort was exceptional. I hugged him back. So tight. I never wanted to let him go. But how is that possible when I never had him in the first place? We weren't meant to be. But being friends can't hurt right?

Without thinking, I spoke up
"Don't hold me in your arms Alaric, or I'll stay here forever", shit shit shit what did I just say ughhh.

"As if I'll ever let you leave", he said.

I pulled away and looked at him with a smile on my lips.

" okay I can't handle so many emotions, let's go have food" I said.

He had a very amused expression on. I looked at him like he had lost his mind because what?! I'm hungry after going through all those emotions. But for the sake of holy mother of pizzas , can you blame a girl?

"Come on idiot! Or else I'll turn into freaking Godzilla and eat you . LETS GO I AM HUNGRYYYYYYYY" ,I whined


I grabbed his hand and pulled him outta the door. Yes bitches , I'm the boss-

"This is the back door grace"

I looked at him again and he started laughing again.
He is gonna die today if he makes me wait to get food any longer.

My stomach grumbled. Oh lord, have mercy because he is laughing again.

After giving him my best puppy face , he wore his tshirt and we finally went out of the building and sat in his black Porsche.
Damn how rich is he?!

As he drove, different songs played. I was controlling myself but then 'Every time we touch' by Cascada played and boy this song gave me crazy energy .
I started singing on the top of my lungs. The roads were empty and the night was pitch black. But I felt safe. I felt safe with him.
As I sang, in my absolutely not so amazing voice Alaric laughed but joined me soon enough.
It's okay to say that we went absolutely crazy. We were shouting and the high notes were...very...peaceful to sing.
I am having such a great time, after so long. I couldn't help but stare at him.
I failed to see how precious this guy is , sitting right next to me , screaming the lyrics like a complete idiot that he is.
I laughed trying to capture the moment and keep it secure in my memories.

After getting some hamburgers and coke, that we ate like animals in the car itself . And yes , his Car is still spotless.

As soon as we finished, Alaric started speaking.

"I want to show you this place -uh I know it's late but it's beautiful and I promise you'll love it. Also,-"


"Okay?", he said with his eyes wide.

What is it that he wants to show me?and why is he so nervous?

"Yeah, let's go"

"Alright then.", he grinned

I closed my eyes, living in the present and waiting for the next song to play so we could scream the lyrics with crack head energy again.

Helew guys. How are you? *nervous chuckles*.
So any guesses of where Alaric is taking Rose? Hmm?hmm?
Anyways, Please like and comment if you liked the chapter. Buhbye. Muah

Those Red Lips✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz