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After paying for all the chocolates, cookies and snacks I brought, I stepped outside the Walmart . Wind rushed onto my face making my brown hair stick to my gloss covered lips. Ughhh. I hate this. While walking my way home, I tripped. On air. On fudging air. Yes I'm the most clumsy person you will ever meet.
Oh and I'm Autumn. I am 18 years old. I live in California with my grandma since that happened. My parents didn't allow me to live with them and to be honest, I'm quite okay with this. Atleast I'm safe here.

It is a ten minute walk from Walmart to my home. And I reached there in no time.

"I'm home",I said as I entered the honey colored house with wooden fall ceilings. To my surprise grandma didn't answer me. She always answered me.
"Grandma! I know you are here". Still no answer. This is a double story house and granny lives on the ground floor while my room is upstairs.
I walked into her room only to see her sheets folded neatly and an exceptionally clean room. She is clean freak! And it's a pain in my ass.
"Grandma?", Okay I'm scared now. What if something happened to her? What if she left me alone? I can't handle this. She is my only hope right now. After my own parents kicked me out , she is all that I have.
I went to the living room and called out to her again and till I was on the verge of tears.
"GRANDMA I PROMISE I WILL DO YOGA WITH YOU EVERY MORNING. HECK I'LL EVEN DO THE LAUNDRY AND CLEAN THE DAMN HOUSE, PLEASE COME BACK" . I dropped onto my knees . My back faced the couch and that's when I heard a groan. I turned around and came face to face with a very naked guy. What the- wait a minute , ohhh he is wearing shorts . Awww but what if I wanted to see something else? Yes I wanted to see my grandma instead of a jerk of a Greek god on my couch. Wait I would like that alot. Not. Wait are those eight pack abs..holy shit .
"Damn babe, you scream alot. And stare alot too", he chuckled. Introducing to you , The cockiest bastard I've ever met since I moved in here , Alaric Stone. As much as i hate to say this, but his voice is way too deep. Like the one which sends shivers down your spine. Alaric is what you call a ladies man. Girls literally drool over him and he is a walking STD. Although i hate him, i can't help but stare at him. He is really attractive. Infact the whole Stone family is absolutely gorgeous. His elder brother , Bryant Stone, is a sweetheart. Completely opposite to Alaric. Mr and Mrs Stone are the most adorable couple i've ever seen. Wait , why is this bitch in my house again?

"How dare you enter my house jerkface and don't 'babe' me . Where is my grandma? what did you do?"

I don't think he heard me because he just got up and started stretching his muscles....why this injustice with me lord? WHY? I HATE THIS GUY . Oh god I'll punch this guy now. And just as i was about to scream again, i started observing him. Damn that body, it would feel great to run my hands through his midnight black hair and don't get me started on his chiseled chest and v-line.

NO. I HATE HIM. While 'observing' him I didn't notice how close he had gotten . He towered my small frame. God this guy is 6'4, what a giant! He cornered me against the wall, with his hands on both the sides of my head. He smirked and looked at me with his sparkling aqua blue eyes. Alaric leaned closer and whispered "I was just sleeping Grace, we can do it together sometime. I'm all yours". And that was it. I kicked him in the nuts. But unfortunately he held my leg in mid air .

"Leave me you dumbfuck or i wont hesitate to kill you! " , i spoke in the deadliest tone i could. "oh shit. Sorry Rose. I didn't mean to. I was just playing with you." he said, and actually looked concerned but amusement was still clear in his eyes. But i still don't know why he calls me Rose. "yeah, i know Stone , afterall that is what players are supposed to do." bullseye! now it was my time to smirk while anger was evident on his face. he dropped my leg and gave me one last death glare and stepped away from me. I was still laughing at his stupid face. Ahh it's gonna be a long day with oh so hot- stupid jerkface.

Thankyou so much for reading this story. It means a lot to me. Let me know if you liked the first chapter. I'm sorry if it was shitty. I'll try to do better! :)♡

 I'll try to do better! :)♡

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