Chapter 8 - The Final Showdown

Start from the beginning

Miles: "Original."

He started spraying the suit. I helped him with some parts of it, gave him few tips and ideas and sprayed eyes in red on his mask.

When he came from the bathroom, he was wearing, not anymore cheap bought fan suit, but already black and red suit.

Miles: "How do I look?"

Y/N: "To us cute but to the villans... the black dead 2."

May and him looked at me.

Y/N: "What, it was in Europe like then, be happy that America was discovered 150 years later than sooner."

Miles chuckled.

Miles: "I guess there is one more thing I have to do."

I nod.

Y/N: "On the closest tallest building around."


We are on the building roof.  I am standing behind Miles who is sticking to the edge of the roof.

Y/N: "Remember, it's a leaph of faith. Just one chance, no help, nothing more. You deciedes now if you are ready."

He scoops up and sighs. Then... he leaps of the building, shatering some glass that was sticked to his hands and falls down.

I am just standing there, preteding to look at my fake visible watch on my hand until I heard a twhip.

I look up and see two webs connect to the roof. I smiled and run up to the edge and jump doing frist front flip then back flip and then started falling like Gwen.

In a distance I could see Miles swing up and down and running on the road and jumping of the veichels.

I catch up with him because when you have organic webs, you are faster and better at swinging.

Now we are swinging side to side.

We land on one of gargoyles. He is catching his breath with pulling his mask while I just shrugh my shoulders.

Y/N: "Fun, right?"

Miles: "Yeah, where to now?"

Y/N: "(points to the building in distance) Fisk tower."

I jupmed and swinged, while Miles pull his mask down and done the same following me.


We exited a bus. We swing to the top of a crane like a sawt team. We look down at the penthouse.

Peni: "Kingpin has a private elevator entrance from his penthouse to the collider below."

Noir: "Didn't count on having an audience."

Gwen: "Can somebody seen Y/N?"

Peter: "No, maybe he is on other side of the building or let's hope he comes on time."

Then we swing to the window. We see a lot of guests mill and there are banners depicting Spider-Man and Peter Parker: "The Peter Parker Memorial Fund."

All Spiders: "You've got to be kidding me."

Kingpin stands and goes to the microphone. Cops and guards surround him whike he is waving to the crowd.

Kingpin: "Thank you, it's nice to be with you this evening to celebrate Spider-Man. He and I were very close. He was always a favourite of my son. Kids love Spider-Man, right? Still do."

Webs have been multiplied - Into the Spidervers X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now