Chapter 1: A Startling Heads-Up

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        "Guys, we have an Autobot distress signal coming through." Stated Ratchet. "Really? Who is it?" Asked Bulkhead. "Ah, let's see," Ratchet inquired. "It came from the country called Nicaragua, and the ship crashed a long time ago, and he message is now being sent. The bot is;

Name: Soundswipe

Gender: Femme

Age: Unknown

Family Ties: Sister to Soundwave!"

        Ratchet gasped. "Soundwave has a sister!" Miko shrieked. "She's an Autobot?" Questioned Jack. "Let us go and retrieve her," Optimus started, "And continue our search for the rouge Preda-Warrior afterwards. Autobots! Roll out!"


        "Soundwave." Megatron addressed his TIC accusingly. "Why have your actions been horribly wrong? You have been making mistakes too often, what is the problem?" The silent mech paused, and made a whirring sound, thinking of what to 'say' to his master. "I have been thinking too much...on recent my life." A recording of Knockout, Dreadwing, and Megatron's voices replied to Megatron's question. "Hmm, I see, Soundwave. Get back to work. I hear we are leaving to he faraway country of Nicaragua." And with that, Megatron left Soundwave, and began ordering the passing Vehicons to prepare the Nemesis for travel.

        That left Soundwave to himself, as his processor went crazy at the thought of what he might find in Nicaragua.


        A white truck with red and gold markings raced up to a small, brightly colored elementary school. The American School of Nicaragua. The truck waited, having no driver, it had to park at the front, waiting for her human companion to emerge from the school.

        Then, she heard the all-too familiar ring of the school bells. Young humans raced out of the door, into their parent's cars, or hopped onto a bus. At last, the GMC Sierra saw the small form if a six year old girl running up to her. The child grasped the grill of the truck and whispered to it, "Guess what, Soundy! I made a new friend today! Her name is Cara!" The truck's engines purred and a soft feminine voice spoke, "Hurry, get in, I want to show you something." The small girl did as asked.

        "So, Soundy, where are we going?" The six year old questioned, tracing the Autobot marking on the steering wheel. Soundswipe pulled over and opened the driver side door, a signal to get out. They were in a small corn field surrounded by trees. Soundswipe transformed. The hot sun made Soundswipe's armor glisten. She was a femme, of course, and her red and gold markings glittered her body, almost like warrior paint. Soundswipe had a package sized compartment attached to her back. It was quite annoying.

        In the Autobot's hand, was a necklace. The necklace head a red and gold string, with the shining metal Auotbot logo as the charm. The bot lowered it for the human to take. "Annie, this is for you. Before we get to our destination, which is still a surprise, I must ask you to not give away any information that I have a face." And with that, a visor similar to Soundwave's, slipped over Spundswipe's face. "Got it!" Exclaimed Annie, excitedly.

        "Soundy!" Annie whined. "Who're we gonna meet?" Annie thumped her feet impatiently against the driver's seat. No answer. Growling, Annie found a comfortable position, and drifted off to sleep, the seats warmed around her, making her feel safe.


        Optimus had ordered all Autobots, except Smokescreen and Ratchet, to come to Nicaragua. Bringing their human companions with them. "What does this new bot look like? What is her favorite color? What is her vehicle mode? Is she really an Autobot?" Streamed Miko, asking Bulkhead. Arcee snorted behind them, Jack shaking his head in plain boredom. Ratchet had groungbridged them to Nicaragua, but they were left to find Soundswipe on their own.

        As they approached a huge sugarcane field, Optimus slowed to a stop. "This is where we will meet her." He said loudly, for all to hear. There were no other humans except Jack, Miko, and Rafael. Huge trees surrounded the field. Suddenly, a engine's roar sounded, and in the exact opposite side of he field, a white truck with red and gold markings made it's way towards them. Nobody was in the drivers seat. Well, at least that they could see. Annie had slumped down, asleep, and could not be seen from outside unless you looked right inside of the truck.

        The truck slowed to a stop in front of the Autobots. The Auotbots transformed, the sound echoed. Their human companions stood by the pedes of the Autobots. The truck, however, did not transform, in risk of hurting her sleeping friend. Instead, she spoke in vehicle mode. "Hello. My name is Soundswipe. An Autobot." The humans introduced themselves, one by one. The one called Miko was very talkative. Once all the Autobots were introduced, Soundswipe decided it was her turn to awaken Annie.

Soundswipe's POV

        I softly rumbled my seats to awaken Annie. She didn't move. "Annie..." I coaxed silently, under my breath so that the other Autobots didn't hear. Annie slowly opened one eye, and with that look, she knew exactly what to do. She smiled wickedly. Suddenly, she opened the driver's door.


        The Autobots gasped as a small girl hopped out of the truck, yawning, as if just waking up. The driver's door closed, and Soundswipe transformed. The metal broke apart into her armor. The visor still lay over her face. "She looks just like Soundwave!" Miko hissed to Bulkhead. Soundswipe froze. "S-Soundwave?" She stuttered. Never in her life did she think she would hear the name of her beloved brother again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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