Chapter 3

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Fred pokes his head out of the pile of fish and says, "Well, they say fish is supposed to be good for you."

"Yeah, but this is over-doing it." Velma replied as she got out of the fish pile

Scooby poked his head out of the fish pile and looked around.

"Raggy???? Raggy?????" Scooby called out, looking for Shaggy

As Scooby dug through the pile of fish after hearing Shaggy's voice, The Mystery Machine's headlights flashed almost as if it was sending out morus code.

Scooby eventually helped Shaggy out of the fish pile.

"Like, thanks, Scoob. I was beginning to feel like a sardine." Shaggy said in a slight joking manner

"Hey, where's Daphne??" Fred asked, noticing she wasn't there with them

Velma looked around and went wide eyed at what she saw.

"Oh, no, look!" Velma said as she pointed, getting everyone to look over at what she was pointing at which was Daphne tied up and gagged in the back of the car with the chinese zombies, one of which was holding the mask. "Those two creeps have got her and the mask"

Then with both of the chinese zombies looking back at them the car drove off on it's own. That's when, while none of them were looking, The Mystery Machine's headlights flashed faster. However, the f;ashing stopped just before Fred and the others turned around to get The Mystery Machine out of the pile of fish.

Later, after they got The Mystery Machine out, Fred sighed.

"Well, we finally got The Mystery Machine out." Fred stated. "But there's no telling where they've taken Daphne"

"Maybe Scooby can sniff out their trail." Velma suggested

Scooby then started sniffing around, wanting to find a trail of some sort to help find Daphne but couldn't even pick up the scent of wood. All he could smell was the fish nearby. He shook his head and made random noises that Shaggy somehow understood.

"It's, like, no use. All he can smell is fresh fish." Shaggy stated as a translation

Velma then spotted something on the ground and said, "Hey, wait a minute, what's this?"

he bent down, picked it up, then stood back up and tried to read it though having no luck.

"Looks like a Chinese Laundry ticket." Fred stated. "Those hooded hyenas must've dropped it."

"I can read Chinese. But I can't make heads or tails with this." Velma stated, rotating the paper a bit

After Velma rotated the small ticket-like paper slightly, Scooby tilted his head and looked at the reflection on Velma's glasses and he could read what was on the ticket! It wasn't any foreign language, it was written down mirrored! He snatched the ticket from Velma's hands and went over to one of the side-view mirrors of The Mystery Machine.

"Like, what's with Scoob?" Shaggy asked

Velma thought for a second before saying, "That laundry ticket must've reflected something off of my glasses."

Fred walked over to read what the thing said and as Velma and Shaggy walked over as well, he said, "Look, when it's held up to a mirror, you can read it."

"It, like, says....'The Temple in The Hills.'." Shaggy reads

"Hey, I know where that place is. It's supposed to be haunted." Velma stated

"That's where they must have taken Daphne."

"Scary, old place, here we come." Shaggy said a him and Scooby gulped

Later, at The Temple in The Hills, Fred, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby were looking around in the main room which was large and had a gigantic statue with a flame plate.

"The quickest way to find  Daphne is to split up." Fred said. "Shag, you and Scoob go that way and Velma and I will go this way." he added as he pointed in two different directions

Shaggy looked in the direction Fred is wanting him and Scooby to go, gulped, and said, "But, it's, like, dark and spooky down there."

"Where else would ghosts be living?" Velma stated

"Huh, yeah, I never thought about it that way." Shaggy responded "Let's go, Scoob."

Once they had split into two search groups o two, what they didn't notice was that from an upper balcony, The Ghost of Zen Tuo, who had since put on the mask Daphne purchased, and standing next to him were the chinese zombies.

While searching one area of the temple,  Fred sighed after looking around seeing nothing but fake dragon decorations and some statues.

"Nothing down here but a bunch of dragons and statues." Fred said

"And don't look now, but one of them is opening!" Velma exclaimed as a statue moved, revealing a sealed doorway

Once the statue fully moved, they walked over, looked in the hidden room, and saw Daphne tied up and gagged, struggling to get out of her ropes.

"Look, it's Daphne." Fred stated as him and  Velma walked into the room

"Come on, you guys, get me out of here." Daphne said, though muffled

"I think she's trying to tell us something." Velma stated

Daphne nodded, verifying what Velma said as Fred took off the gag and Daphne stated, "It's a trap!!"

Just then, the statue slammed shut, locking them in the concealed room.

"Now we're all locked in!" Fred exclaimed

"And there's no way out." Daphne stated

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