So are the boomers gonna risk it?

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"You sure the results might not be reversible?" Gaster asked. 

"Is tea better hot?", Britian joked.

"...", Gaster did not understand.

"That is a yes",Britain explained.

"Oh. . . okay", Gaster replied. 

Gaster pushed some buttons and the portal opened.  He wasn't believing that allowed his friend go through with this.  This was such a big risk but he understood where he was coming from.  They walked over toward the other side and landed in a snowy are.

"HELP", a voice rang out.

Britain automatically knew it was Australia's.  He volted up and what he saw enraged him.  There was before him was his children laying there unconcess and a flower like monster still attacking them. . . 

(meanwhile with Frisk)

Frisk turned around and saw a big gap in a hole.  

"What the heck?!", Frisk yelled.

"Vell you wasn't paying attention to me!", Third said. 

"Argh!!! Just follow me", Frisk said walking toward where Toreil is.


sorry  haven't felt motated. So please push me to make another chapter.

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