Chapter Twenty Five

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It's a sunny day. Draco and you are on the beach, playing in the ocean, laughing and splashing water to each other. You're wearing the same beautiful bikini you wore on your birthday and he is wearing grey bermuda shorts. His sexy body is all wet and also yours, and his wet messy hair looks darker and sexier than ever.

Draco grabs your hand and you both swim to a deeper spot, where only your heads pop above the water. There he snakes his arms around your waist and pulls you closer as you wrap your hands around his neck.

—I never had celebrated my birthday this way, you know? We should do this every year, princess.

—Yes! —You reply excited—. It will be our tradition to celebrate our birthdays on the beach, sweetie.

Draco smiles and presses his lips against yours, dropping an affectionate kiss on your lips.

—Did I mention that I loved the present you gave to me? —He tucks your hair behind your ear—. You're very creative, princess.

—Oh! —You blush so hard. Since he used all the coupons you gave him on Christmas, you decided to make a new coupon book for him. A very kinky one.

—I'm sure that I'm gonna use them all when... —he blushes— and I... you know.

—When my body is ready for you to make love to me?

—Yes —he whispers against your lips.

You feel his tongue asking for permission to enter into your mouth, and everything fades to black...

You wake up and find yourself alone in your bedroom. You were dreaming about what Draco and you did on his birthday, but sadness invades your being by remembering what Richard did to you. A month has passed by since that horrible day.

You've been refusing to be intimate because that horrible memory comes to your mind every time that Draco and you try. You love him so much and know he feels the same. You know he is not gonna pressure you and he is gonna wait for you to be ready to share forbidden caresses again, but you feel horrible because that's not fair for him.

Suddenly, you hear a flutter on your window followed by a hooting that you know well. You smile and get out of bed quickly to open the curtains. It's a beautiful sunny day and Anthros is on your window, holding a beautiful white rose with a letter in his beak.

You open the window and let him in, and give him a bowl of fresh water.

—Drink, little buddy. You must be tired —you pet him and he hoots.

Anthros starts drinking the water and you sit on your bed and start reading the letter:

"My love:

I have great news. My mother and I managed to free my father from Azkaban.

I told my parents that I have a breathtakingly beautiful girlfriend. And guess what? They wanna meet you.

Would you like to come to the manor for dinner tomorrow? I can't wait for my parents to meet you..."

You scream excited and Anthros starts fluttering and hooting, like he was sharing your joy.

"...I know that your answer is yes, sweetheart..."

—You know me well, Draco Malfoy —you say coquettishly.

"...My beautiful princess deserves a new dress.

¿Did you see that Anthros has a mini pouch tied around his leg?..."

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