Ch. 1 How It Started

Start from the beginning

Ryuga's a great person, I'm glad that I met him, he is now the second-best blader in the DN, he has never beaten me yet. Today the DN Moved to a place in Japan. I don't know why Dad brought us here but I can't wait to see what will happens next.

"My Mistress, why do you think Doji called us?" Ryuga asked me.

"Ryuga, stop calling me that!" I shouted.

"Sorry Mistress, a force of habit," Ryuga answered.

Then stop if you're sorry, "well, we're at his office or dining table... room, let's go in."

Ryuga opened the door for me, I walked in and Ryuga fallowed. We took seats in front of Doji.

"Welcome," dad said.

Ryuga POV


"Welcome," Doji said, he always gave me the creeps.

"What is it, dad?" Mistress asked.

"Have you ever heard of the legend of Lightning L-Drago?" Doji asked us.

"Yes," I answered, "Mistress told me the legend when I first came here."

"Good, Ryuga I'm glad you know it," Doji said sipping what I hope is just orange juice, "Because I want you to retrieve it and be its blader."

"HUH!?" I and Mistress shouted.

"You are the perfect person to gain it; Merda is going on that trip to find new bladers, so you might as well make yourself useful, Ryuga," Doji explained.

"Ok-" I started but Mistress then stood up forcefully banging her fist on the table, breaking Doji's glass.

"I DON'T APPROVE OF THIS IDEA!" She shouted, "L-Drago is dangerous and Ryuga could get seriously hurt in the process of this, so there is no way I'm allowing Ryuga to do this."

I am shocked, Mistress would always defend me when we were kids but, she never disobeyed her dad. Why would she care about my safety? Everyone here respects her they just see me as her annoying little plaything that follows her around everywhere, I just really look put to her.

"Okay then, you, Merda you may leave," Doji said.

"What about Ryuga?" Mistress asked.

"I wanna talk to him," Doji answered, Mistress, walked out the door.

Without thinking I said something, "I will get L-Drago."

"Huh?" Doji looked confused, "why?"

"I have always looked up to Mistress, if getting L-Drago means finally Mistress seeing me as an equal then I'll do it," I answered, "Everyone here respects her, everyone thinks I'm just a spoiled brat that fallows Mistress around, I want them to respect me as they respect her."

"Very well then, you can go now, Master Ryuga," Doji said.

That caught me off guard but, it was okay? I just got up and walked out the door. Mistress was there, her eyes were closed and her headphones were on.

"What did he say?" Mistress asked.

"He told me why I should get L-Drago, but I said that I'll only do it if you approve," I lied.

"Okay then, come to my room, I have something there I want to show you," Mistress told me, "and I'm only a month older than you, stop calling me Mistress."


"Close your eyes," Mistress instructed.

I did as I was told. I felt Mistress put something on my hand, head, and neck.

"Open your eyes now," Mistress said.

I opened my eyes, there was a mirror in front of me. Merda put on a huge gold dragon bey holder, and a golden dragon head-piece, both the bey holder and head-piece had a gold dragon with ruby eyes. the final thing that Mistress put on me was a white jacket. She started to undo the three little braids and my low ponytail, then she made my hair into an updo, straight up and spiky.

"You like them? I made them with metals and jewels I found at the island," Mistress told me, "and I thought the jacket worn like that would complete your new look. I did get more made just in case you destroyed this one."

"I like them Mistress but why did you make them for me?" I asked.

"I just... wanted to," Mistress answered.

A few days later


"Bye Mistress," I said, It will be a whole year until I see her again.

"Good bey, Ryuga," She said, "Please stay safe."

"Okay," I answered.

"Bye," Mistress said, kissing my cheek, then leaving.


What Happened To Me?  (Beyblade: Ryuga x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now