#5- Mauerbauertraurigkeit

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An inexplicable urge to push people away,
Afraid that they will no longer stay,
Every person you let in has an expiration date,
Limit their entry before its too late,

Social tastebuds suddenly went numb,
To the melancholy you will succumb,
So scared of being left behind,
Left them first with a pain to remind,

The bitter aftertaste of faux affection,
Your perspective of me is your reflection,
If this relationship brings nothing but pain,
There is no love or affection to gain,

It's okay to cut off your ties with them,
Gracefully walking away like a silent requiem,
There's a difference with doing selfish acts,
And prioritizing your mental health tacts,

Beneath the pain is your ignition,
Rejection leads to redirection,
Remove the mauerbauertraurigkeit,
For it's never too late to change your mindset.


• Mauerbauertraurigkeit•
(n.) an inexplicable urge to push people away.

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