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( the first day of training )


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Ida Fernsby couldn't help but laugh at all the tributes around her. After the trainer had dismissed them for individual training, so many had gone off toward the survival skill stations, seemingly following the head trainers advice, but Ida knew it was futile.

All of these people would be dead soon, no matter how many edible plants they could name, or how many fires they built. They would be dead because taking them out would be child's play to her, and she could already taste victory.

"Let's go see what the careers are up to," Ida said to her brother. Alarico had spent the entire morning scaring the younger tributes, simply just by looking at them, and she could feel him getting too egotistical.

"Why? They won't be better than us, so what's the point?" Alarico asked, not really caring about them at all. The first thing his sister and him had agreed on was that they weren't going to join the so called "trained killer" career alliance, because they didn't need to. The Fernsby siblings didn't need to be babysat by District One and Two, and the careers could have fun and get their bloodbath kills all they wanted, it wouldn't stop Alarico from killing them with no effort the second they went to sleep.

"Because," Ida started. "They already are against us for turning down the alliance offer, which means we need to go prove that we aren't bothered by them. Get under some of their skin."

The boy just rolled his eyes and followed his sister over to one of the weaponry stations. District One and Two had been the only ones to come over so far, and if any other district was thinking about it they seemed to be keeping away in fear.

But that wasn't the case for them.

"Oh look who it is," Ida called out to the careers surrounding one of the dagger stations. "Barbie from District One. What, are you going to throw it or what? You're holding up the line." 

Wisteria scoffed at the nickname, it wasn't the first time she had heard it, and it was never one to phase her. If people wanted to believe she was some dumb blonde doll, let them. She was always one to prove someone wrong.

"It's not my station, but please, feel free to go first," Wisteria replied to the girl. The blonde stepped out of the way of the daggers, and motioned for Ida to grab one.

"I have manners, and you were here first. So whoever's station this is, go on."

Alarico hadn't said anything, but it didn't seem
to matter because just his presence had Niko standing up from his crouched position, and giving a cold look. Alarico was amused by the motion, smirking at it even. For people who trained to be intimidating, it didn't seem to really be working.

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