Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

The pain in my chest still hasn't gone away. It's been one year since she's left me and all I can think about is all the things I did wrong. What I could have done to have her with me right now in my arms versus sitting in my apartment every night alone. If I could only change that one night. Go back and redo it, I would, and there's not a day that goes by where I don't think about her and regret everything I didn't say.

I sit there waiting for Mrs. Jane my therapist to respond. She writing something on her clipboard the scratching of her pen against the paper makes me wonder what she's writing. The scratching seems to be endless. How can she have so much to write when I have had nothing to say?

She's probably writing how I'm a lost cause and that I can't be helped. We have only been talking for a month now, yet I can already tell she wants to give up on me. I don't blame her I don't answer most of her questions. The sessions usually end in me walking out half way through them. I usually wouldn't have been into seeing a therapist or anything, but my friends finally convinced me otherwise.

They said I wouldn't get better until I tried to move on, so I guess this is me trying to move on. Even though I'm not sure I want to.

"Why don't you tell me about her," Mrs. Jane asks.

I sit there for a second before responding "I don't want to talk about her the only thing that does is bring back the pain."

She looks at me with a frown.

"Well how about you just start out with the good memories about her like how you met."

I think about it for a minute or two going back to that day remembering every detail of it.

"Okay," I respond she looks shocked that I'm actually going to talk about her.

That is until I say "But not today," then I get up and walk out just like I always do. I wasn't ready to talk about her yet, but I know if I ever want to move on I would need to talk about Rosemary.
Hi so this is my first book I've written so leave plenty of comments and tell me what u do and don't like thank you!

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