Chapter 8

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At the beach, Alexander rented surfboards. He was giving me a private lesson. I told him that I could just boogie board, but he told me that he was going to be the one to teach me how to surf.

"I don't even know how to balance on these." I was standing on a surf board and he was guiding me so that I didn't fall. Th surf board was on a stick so that I could get used to balancing, the thing is, I would fall if he let me go. 

This was kind of a good thing. It gave him a reason to keep holding me. He let go and tried to move out of the way, but he was too slow. I feel backwards and landed right on top of him!

We were laughing and he called me clumsy.

"You weren't supposed to let go!"

"You have to learn how to balance first!"

We did the same thing for a half an hour and then I insisted on getting in the water.

"Fine, but when you wipe out, don't blame me!"

He grabbed a board and left me in the sand. I grabbed mine and ran into the water. After an hour of wiping out, getting laughed at, and kind of surfing, I decided to just boogie board and swim the rest of the time.

I was just going to tan the rest of the time. While I was tanning, I was thinking long and hard. When you are in a relationship with a celebrity, nothing is private or permanent. The last word shook me up.

I was thinking so much, I didn't even know he was saying my name until he touched my shoulder.

"Oh, hey. Sorry, I was thinking, I couldn't hear you call my name."

"It's alright."

I started to frown and he noticed.

"What's wrong?"

"I was just thinking. Nothing, none of this permanent. You know that none of this is. People will find out about us and then everything will go wrong."

He was thinking about this too. I could tell.

"They can turn this into anything they want. Our relationship is as permanent as we want it to be. Nobody can change the way we feel about each other."

"Wait. Our relationship. Does that mean that we are currently in a relationship?"

His dimples were incredible. I had just noticed them, maybe because this was the widest smile I had ever seen on his face.

"What do you think."

He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back.

We sat down on our towels and talked and kissed on and off.

We talked about everything. Our favorite and least favorite things. Our pets, families, and our dreams. He was surprised that I wanted to be a gym teacher.

"Why is that so surprising?"

"Because, you are way too gorgeous to be a gym teacher."

I blushed and kissed him. I fell asleep in his arms. I think he fell asleep too. He woke me up and I was freezng. I quickly grabbed my cover up. I was still cold so he grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me.

We had slept for a while. It was easily seven o'clock. He grabbed his keys and opened my door.

"Thanks." My teeth were chattering.

"No problem."

"How long do you think we were asleep?"

"At least three hours! It was like 3:30 when we were talking. You are just so warm and strong. I feel so safe and secure in your arms."

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