Chapter 7

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I was asleep for like a minute before Gabby burst through the door. 

"Sarah! I just saw Alexander come out of the building. Sarah!"

"Sarah isn't here, she is asleep."

"Well, wake up!" She yanked my sheets off and tickled me.

"Stop! Maybe he was vistiing Lindsay. Did you think about that?" I hope she believed me.

"Yea i gue- What's that?" She pointed to my sketchbook.

Crap. "Nothing." I ran to grab it but she got to it first.

"He had it. He came to drop it off didn't he? He ended up staying longer didn't he?"


She squeaked. "I knew it!" 

"Look it's not that big of a deal! You've been in a relationship before. I'm not even sure if this is a relationship or not! He just came over and we watched a movie together. That's it. He will probably deny it tomorrow anyway. Just don't make a big deal out of nothing okay?"

"Okay, but still. If he asks you to go on a date with him what will you say?"

"OKay." I crawled back under the covers. "We aren't having this discussion."

She made a pouty face, but shut off the light.


I woke up the next morning feeling weird. Maybe it was because I was so excited to go to work and I didn't even know why.

Maybe it's because Alexander knows that I work there, I don't know. 

My phone buzzed. I thought it was dead. I looked at it and it was a text from my mom. 

Hey honey! How are you doing? Have you liked the college experience so far? Your brother misses you so much. Your father and I have something we want to tell you. Call us when you get the chance. Love mom.

Oh joy, what could they possibly have to tell me? I'll vall them later tonight. 

My phone buzzed again. Another text, Unknown number.

Hey, it's Alexander, last night was fun. I hope your phone is still working! If not, I'll be there in ten minutes anyway. Oh by the way, I got your number from Gabby on the way out last night. Sorry if I freaked you out. See you soon!

My heart warmed up. Looks like we will be spending the day together. I better get my bed made. Gabby.

"Gabby, get up, Alexander is on his way over."

"What?" Gabby was always sleeping until noon. Not today.

"Come on, he will be here any minute!"

She smiled. "Good, I can embarress you today."

"No no no, you won't be with us at all today. Got that? At all!"

"Fine, butt."

I glared at her and shoved her out of bed. I made her bed and made mine. I was cleaning up her clothes and my clothes. She was sitting on the couch eating an energy bar. I grabbed one but decided against it. I brushed my teeth and put on my soccer t-shirt and a pair of Nike shorts.

I heard a knock at the door. I was still brushing my hair. I heard Gabby get it. Please don't say anything stupid.

"She'll be out in a minute."

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