Chapter 6

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The rest of the day was a blur. Nothing made since. All I could think of was that my sketchbook was in the hands of somebody other than Gabby or I. 

I was at work at my co-worker was going on and on and on about how awesome he was. He was the topic in everybody's conversations! 

People are making it harder to forget everything that happened today! I just have to focus on work.

"Sarah, they need you to refill the Brownie Batter ice cream. It's not working." Trevor was a Senior at USC.

"Okay. Will do."  These machines were a pain. They were always breaking.

I'm glad I had to because right when I left to fix the machine, Alexander walked in. Lindsay walked in after him. I could see from behind the machine but he couldn't see me.

The came Gabby. Why was everybody here all of the sudden? My shift is over in about fifteen minutes. I just have to hold out until then.

It was working again and they needed me at the register. They had already gotten their ice cream and they were eating. Gabby came behind the counter, Trevor yelled at her but they do that all the time.

"Hey, are they going out already?"

"No. She's been following him around all day and I've been following her all day." A sneaky smile crossed her face.

"Why? She already hates me. Why would you make things worse?"

"I'm not, I'm doing this for me. I know you like him and you won't say so. I know soccer is why your here, but you can be in a relationship and play a sport. Trust me. He's worth it. He doesn't like her. She is way too creepy!"

"I know that, but I don't want to risk it."

"Okay, btw, I have to work tonight so your alone tonight."

"Ug! Meany!" I smacked her and she just giggled.

"Rent me a movie then, get a good one. Here's two bucks."

She pocketed the money and walked out the door.

It was a Friday night and she had to work. I guess I can hang out, listen to One Direction and watch a movie. I could call my family and check up on them. They have called twice since I have been gone. 

My younger brother called and asked if he could have my room. When I said no he got mad and hung up so that was barely even a conversation.

Gabby's family calls all the time. I think they miss her a lot. Her boyfriend keeps asking her to get back to gether. She keeps refusing.

I'm proud of her, I know it can't be easy. Sh eclaims she's moved on but I don't believe her.

I'm off. I grabbed my bag and was about to walk out when-


I turned around and there he was. Lindsay was busy getting more ice cream for him.


Um. Well you-"


Lindsay was back.

When his head was turned, I walked out the door.

I walked to my car, unlocked it, and got in. 

 I sw him look out the window, but I drove away. I went to the movie theater to get the movie from Gabby. She got me two movies, Breaking Dawn Part 1 and The Gray.

I wanted to see The Gray, I'll watch that first.

I got to the dorm, cleaned up, popped popcorn, grabbed a Mt. Dew and put the movie in. I was petting VooDoo, Gabby's black cat, when I heard a knock at the door. 

VooDoo jumped off my lap and hid under my bed. My tabby cat, Tiger, was asleep on Gabby's bed.

I answered the door, I forgot to pause the tv.

"Alexander? What are you doing here?"

"I, uh, well you left this in Calculus." He held out my sketchbook.

"You have that. Mrs. Morroon said a student took it. Gabby and I thought it was Jamie and she gave it to Lindsay and- I'm going to stop talking right now."

I was embarrassed. I always babble and it gets bad when I'm nervous.

"You know that Lindsey girl? I see that you know Gabby." He pointed to the door, it had Gabby and I's name on it.

"Yea. She's awesome."

"Oh, I thought she was kind of uh... weird."

I smiled. "She was following Lindsay and she was following you so it looked like she was following you. Sorry, she really is a good person!" 

He smiled. "Yea... Lindsay is annoying. She keeps talking about the Winter Ball and I don't think she knows that only juniors and seniors are allowed. She wants me to invite her."

"Yea. That's Lindsay. I thought everybody could go. I guess I didn't see that freshman and sophomores weren't allowed. I guess Gabby will be disappointed. Oh well, I'll find her a date."

There was a loud collision coming from the tv. I completely forgot about the tv! I ran over to it and paused it. Now he could see our dorm. I'm so happy that I cleaned it up. 

"Sorry. I forgot the tv was on. Gabby had to work so I rented a movie."

"What movie?"

"The Gray"

"I've never seen that movie. Is that the one about the wolves?"

"Yea, it is. Do you want to stay and watch it? I mean it just started."


He walked in and sat on the couch. VooDoo sat on his lap almost as soon as he sat down. I wen to get him a pop.

"Do you like Mt. Dew?"

"Yea, Mt. Dew is great."

I got him one and sat down next to him. I unpaused the tv and Tiger jumped on my lap. The movie was only two hours long. The ending sucked.

"The movie wasn't very good, they all died in the end. What kind of director is that guy?"

"I don't know, I didn't like it either." He paused. "How many siblings do you have? Sorry if it's too personal, I just want to know more about you.

"it's okay. I have three siblings. How about you?"

"Three. Any sisters?"

"No. Three brothers. You?"

"Yes. Two sisters and one brother. Older or younger?"

"Two older and one younger. How about you?"

"Two younger sisters and a younger brother. Where were you born?"

"Topeka, Kansas. "

"Vancouver, Canada."

"Wow, you're a Canadian."

My phone buzzed. It wa dieing. Great. Now I have no phone and I don't have enough money to buy a new one.

"What's wrong?" 

"Oh, nothing, my phone is dead and I can't afford a new one."

It was midnight. He stood up, "I should get going." 


I walked him to the door and when he turned around, he kissed me on the lips. It caught me by surprise, but I kissed him back. I felt electricity flow through my body.

We broke away and he smiled. I smiled back. "See you tomorrow." He smiled and walked down the hallway.

I shut the door and smiled. That was the best night of my life! I put on my PJ's and crawled into bed.

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