Chapter 5

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August flew by. My classes just got easier and easier. Altough, Strength and Soccer were getting pretty challenging. They were fun though.

The hard thing about soccer was, we had to run sprints a lot and strength we had to run a lot also. So I was doing a lot of running everyday. But it was okay, because I like to stay fit.

I was always really tired though. Between like a bunch of homework and a lot of running, I barely even had time to say hi to Gabby, let alone work. On the weekends, I worked my butt off, and when I wasn't working, I was playing soccer.

I worked at Orange Leaf. It payed desent, but it took up at lot of time and it didn't help that I was always tired.

We don't have soccer practice for a while now though. They said we won't start up again until October. He said we needed a break. That made me less tired.

Now I have 6th period off so I'm going to start working the shift at Orange Leaf that is during that time. But, I have to run to get back to Chemistry in time. Chemistry was also a sophomore class.

It was September 5th and I was sick with Strep Throat. I was sick until September 8th, a Sunday. The whole day, I was making up homework and regaining my strngth so that when I was in Strength and Conditioning, I didn't die.

On Friday, I got the news. Alexander had arrivied. I was almost certain he sat by me in Calculus because Gabby didn't and there was only one sophomore missing.

By the time I got to Calculus, I was anxious. Gabby was too.

As soon as he walked in, everybody went wild. Lindsay's clone texted her I'm sure and all the other girls crowdedd him. Including Gabby, that little creeper! I was the only girl still sitting, except Lindsay's clone. She probably got orders to flirt with him for Lindsay.

I don't know how that would work. When Mrs. Morroon came in, she crowded him too. She told everybody else to take their seats. She asked him how the movie was. While she was distracted, I texted Gabby.

What movie?

Grown Ups 2

Oh, they are making another one. I didn't know he was going to be in it though.

He was a total hottie. I mean in person. He had blazing blue eyes. His blond hair also made my stomach do a somersalt. He also had huge biceps.

I can see why everybody was going gaga over him. Even Mrs. Morroon, who is married.

"Okay class," she began, "This is Alexander, I know he's famous, but he wants everybody to treat him like a normal person. Got it?" She turned to Alexander.

"You can take your seat next to," she was looking at me and couldn't remember my name.

"Sarah." I said kind of rude.

"Right, Sarah. Sorry about that."


He walked over to me and he smelled like a fresh summer breeze. I only then began to feel uncomfortable. How would this work? I want to treat him like a normal person, but I just can't. It's too weird.

I should say something. The thing is, I don't know what to say.

I could tell he was debating the same thing.


Wow. Was I imagining or did we both just say that at the same time. I could tell he was thinking the same thing.

We both held the same gaze for about ten seconds then we looked away quickly. I felt my face get red.

Why was I embarressed? I'm here for soccer and only soccer. I didn't come here to fall in love with a boy and then fall apart when he doesn't love me back. I'm not that type of girl. I never have been.

I'm in love with soccer. Not Alexander.

The rest of class was still torture though. If I even looked up at Alexander, Gabby would get excited, Jamie, Lindsay's clone, would give me the death glare, Alexander would act like he didn't notice and I would feel stupid.

I decided to keep my head down lik him and just focuse on Calculus. Ug. This is so easy. Not staring at Alexander is the hard part!

When the bell saved me, I grabbed Gabby's arm and ran off.

"What was that? You are so lucky to be sitting next to him. I bet you that by the end of the month, you will be an official couple."

"Gabby! We will not! He probably will be with Lindsay by the end of the month. Not me. "

I opened up my bag and started looking for my sketchbook. I looked through every pocket and it was nowhere to be found.

"Wait. Where's my sketchbook? Oh no! I left it in there. I don't have time to get it, I have to go to History. You have this period off, can you go grab it before Mrs. Morroon throws it away?"

"Sure. What are friends for anyway?"

"Thanks." I ran to the dorm and grabbed my stuff.

History was a drag, I didn't even know what we were talking about, all I knew was that we didn't have any homework.

When art came, I found Gabby.

"She said somebody else picked it up. I'm sorry. I looked everywhere."

"Oh no! Now I have to buy a new one! What will Mr. Zimmer say?"

"A student said we didn't use them today."

"Oh, thank goodness."

I said bye and ran. Lunch came and I saw Gabby, we ate some Chinese food.

I was freaking out that Jamie had grabbed it and gave it to Lindsay or even Alexander. I had private pictures in there. What if he saw. That would ruin everything.

Lindsay hates my guts now. Anything to make me burn would please her.

I glanced up fast and put my head back down fast. I wasn't fast enough though.

I saw Lindsay go up to Alexander and whisper something in his ear. She lead him away.

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