Chapter 6: Teams

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Chapter 6: Teams

I was hanging out with Eli everyday, all day. We mostly stayed on the beach, but sometimes we would go up to Periniam for a movie. It had only been a week or two, but we grew closer. I guess that’s what times does to you.

We were now sitting at Jitter’s Critters, waiting for his friends to meet us after the flight. They needed to freshen up, drop off their luggage, and probably check in with their family. They were late and the anticipation was killing me.

“Geez, calm down, Cutie. You’re more excited than I am, and they’re my friends!”

“Sorry, I just can’t wait to meet them!” I was practically bouncing in my seat, my eyes glued to the door.

“Why are you so eager? They’re just my friends. It’s not like they’re famous or anything.”

“Because then I could hang out with people other than you!”

Ooh, that came out a little harsher than intended. “Well that doesn’t hurt the ego at all.”

“Sorry, Eli. You know what I mean.”

“You know, people are usually scared to meet their boyfriend’s friends. You know, intimidated?”

“But you’re not my boyfriend.”

“Right, but still, I thought you said you hated meeting new people.”

“Oh, I do.”


“But I have you to make things less awkward. So don’t leave me alone. If you have to go to the bathroom, hold it in.”

“I—“The door opened and then a bunch of loud teenagers that all looked like they belonged on a cover of a magazine walked in. “That’s them,” he whispered, waving them over to our booth.

And that’s when the nerves started to get to me. What if they didn’t like me? Would Eli stop hanging out with me if they didn’t? Would I be in for a friendless summer? Eli wouldn’t just leave me like that, would he? But he might, these are his friends. I’m just some girl who fell on him at the beach.

I sat their awkwardly as Eli was bombarded with hugs and greetings. They filled the booth. We chose one of those round ones that could fit a lot of people. A waitress came by and took our orders. Judging by the look on her face, she recognized them and wasn’t too pleased about the volume.

“Who’s the girl?” asked a guy that I immediately recognized as Dylan.

“Oh, sorry guys,” Eli apologized. “This is Ashlyn, the one who didn’t ditch me to go to Hawaii. I met her on the beach. She’s new around here and is going to be hanging with us for the summer.”

“Hi Ashlyn!” they all chorused, which reminded me of the sharks from Finding Nemo.

I gave them a small awkward wave. “Hey.”

They all went around introducing themselves, all nine of them.

Marcus, El’s older brother, was dating Alexis, a cheery brunette who loved animals and long walks on the beach. Aaron, the brunette and blue eyed beauty, was engaged to Isabella, a girl with shiny black hair and dark brown eyes. They were so cute together; it was obvious that they were in love.

Then there was Zander, who had spiky brown hair and blue eyes, who had a long distance relationship with Cheyenne, my Cheyenne. It turns out she wasn’t lying when she said she was in a relationship. What a small world. Apparently they didn’t believe Zander either. I guess I’d have to tell the girls back home that it was true.

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