¹² Fucked Up Situations

Start from the beginning

Imogen sat there for a moment with furrowed brows, anger slowly bubbling in her, her eyes trailing behind Billy seeing Steve walk in the lunchroom with a look of heartbreak and anger, giving Imogen the idea he found out about it too.

"Hey, where you going?" Billy shouted as he watched Imogen grab her stuff and walk away from their table.

Imogen didn't answer him, making the Hargrove boy scoff.

"What's her problem?" Tommy questioned, leaning onto the table, watching Imogen slam the cafeteria door as she stormed out.

"Hell if I know."

"Hey what's wrong?"

Imogen stopped in the hallway seeing Robin looking at her in concern with Arlo, a fellow band geek, standing next to her, his blue eyes darting between the girls.

"Um... nothing," Imogen said but it came out as a question, glancing down the hallway as she watched Arlo walk away carrying his guitar.

Robin smiled awkwardly, clutching her books closer to her chest, "I was wondering if you would like to um..."

Imogen raised a brow, her stomach fluttering slightly making her push the feeling down, trying to avoid looking at the girl, shame going through her as she clutched the ring in her hand.

'If you would want to h-hang out sometime?"

"S-sure," Imogen confirmed after a moment of silence, the girl turning to make eye contact with Robin, her heart-stopping for a split second before she snapped her self out of it with a scowl.

Robin laughed, "Okay, well see you later."

Imogen froze, her brown eyes following Robin's figure as the freckled girl left her unknowingly in a state of panic, her body feeling as if it had just gotten into a fight.

"See you later." Issa winked before she drove away, giggling as Imogen caught the kiss they blew.

Imogen blinked away the tears that threatened to fall, hurriedly walking to the exit to clear her mind as her heart beated quickly against her chest.


Somehow in her state of panic, she ended up at Miss Quinn's office, standing outside the door that leads to Harley's room as she listened to people walking behind her.

She knows the workers were staring at her, she could feel their eyes, and it didn't make her situation better.

Imogen stared at the green card on the door, knowing there wasn't a session going on, her clammy hand hovering over the knob.

The girl quickly pulled away when Harley opened the door, her eyes widening in surprise. "Imogen! What are you doing here, your session isn't till next week."

Imogen swallowed, her eyes connecting with the woman's. "I just um..."

Miss Quinn cooed when she saw the girl's teary eyes, gesturing for the young girl to come in, making sure no one sees.

Imogen sniffed, taking a seat on the couch, looking down at her lap, her eyes instinctively going to the scar on her hand.

"What's up?" Harley asked.

Imogen noticed it wasn't in her 'therapist' voice, but the voice she used when she spoke to her mom and dad, one of a friend.

"I-it's stupid." The teen shook her head, playing with the ring around her neck, her thoughts going back to that night all because Robin said those three words, pathetic, she thought.

"It's not stupid if it makes you like this." Harley softly smiled at the teen, taking a seat next to the younger girl.

"This girl was talking to me but she said 'see you l--' sorry." Imogen exhaled not even able to say it herself.

"What's wrong with that?" Harley asked, tapping her finger rhythmically on her leg.

"Those were Issa's...that was the last thing she said to me. And it's stupid but I haven't gotten over it yet."

"That's okay."

"I just...I feel like everybody moved on like they don't care, send a pity look my way and it's over, their caring is over. It's bullshit."

"You want to talk about it?"

"No, can we just...I don't know...sit here?"

"Of course."


Imogen banged on the door, her breath heavy since she ran all the way here from Harley's office. "Dustin! Dustin open the door!"

The door yanked open showing the concerned face of Claudia Henderson, the mother of Dustin. "Imogen? What are you doing here, honey?"

Imogen calmed, putting a soft smile on her face as she looked at the older lady, "Hey, Mrs. Henderson, is Dustin home?"

"Yeah, come in!" The woman laughed, letting the teen walk in before yelling over her shoulder, "Dusty, the little Harrington girl's here!"

Imogen awkwardly smiled, walking closer to Dustin's room.

"You could go right in." Claudia smiled.

"Thank you." Imogen nodded, walking over to the boy's room, opening the sliding door gaping at the scene. "Dustin! I need to talk to--What the fuck?"

Dustin stood there with slimy reptilian-like skin in his hand with his turtle tank broken, glass on the floor, and slime on the sharp ridges as Dustin looked at the girl with wide eyes.

"What... the fuck...is that?" Imogen asked, closing the door behind her to whisper harshly at the boy.

"I'm guessing Dart molted," Dustin stated.

Imogen rolled her eyes, "Yeah, no shit, genius. Where is he?"

Just as she said those words a gurgling sound came from the chair by the door making her jump in fright, her blood running cold at the familiar sound.


"SHH!" Dustin shushed the girl harshly, walking towards the chair slowly.

Imogen looked at the boy offended before her eyes traveled to the carpet by Dustin's feet her eyes widening when she sees a dark red spot, "Is that...?"

Dustin followed her gaze, the red smears trailing up the chair in the corner. "Dart?"

Dustin and Imogen slowly looked over the chair back, both holding in a shout when they see Dart, way bigger than before, covered in blood with a dead Mews, Dustin's cat, under the creature, the cat's stomach open showing its intestines.

Imogen looked at Dustin with wide eyes, both of them frozen in their place. Dustin connected his eyes with the girl with an awkward smile before they both simultaneously turned to look at the slimy creature again, one thought running through their head.



"We are so fucked."


authors note |

I haven't updated in a while, sorry for that, I've just been so emotionally exhausted with everything going on, I promise I'll try to post more. also sorry this chapter is so short, the next one will be longer, promise.

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