LXXXVI. Way down we go

Start from the beginning

"Nik. Nik!" Rebekah frowns.

I shush them both, holding my hands up. "Who says you two can't split the cure?" I say, "We tell no one what we know." I say quietly, looking over to Stefan and Elena. "Especially not Elena."


"What did Caroline say?" Elena questions as we begin our hike.

"I don't know. We lost the signal." Rebekah lies. "Come on. This way." We stop walking, seeing the reservoir. I furrow my brows, Rebekah lifting up the phone to look at the map. "We need to get down and across. Advantage; Vampires. All we have to do is jump."
We all share a look, ready to jump.

"Wait, wait. Um... maybe you should leave the map behind." Elena suggests. "In case you fall, you don't want anything to happen to the phone." She excuses.

"Are we doing this again?" Rebekah scoffs. "I thought we were a team."

"Guys, we don't have time for this." Stefan sighs. "Elena, you go first." A small smirk creeps onto my face, seeing the fear in her eyes. "We'll be right behind you. I hear the thud of Elena hitting the ground, Stefan going to jump.

I stick my arm out stopping him. "There's something you should know about the cure." I frown. I look over to Rebekah and she nods. "There's only one dose of the cure."

"How do you know?" Stefan frowns.

"Klaus translated the sword, he told us," Rebekah says, staring off.

"So you're sure that Klaus is telling the truth, that there is only one dose of the cure?" He frowns. Rebekah slightly nods, "Well, i guess that's what happens when you're dumb enough to hold out hope." I frown at his words.

"There's still hope for one of us," Rebekah says, glancing over to me and i nod. I look at Asher, telling him to keep his mouth shut. "But even if i felt pity for you, if i wanted to ease your pain so i gave you the cure to take for yourself-"

"You'd give it to Elena, wouldn't you?" I frown. Stefan doesn't say anything and i take a deep breath, "That's what i thought. I love you Stefan, I really do. But it seems like we have other plans." I reach forward, snapping his neck.

I turn back to Rebekah who has a frown on her face, "I'm sorry, Alina. But it seems like we have other plans."


I groan slightly, sitting up. That bitch snapped my neck to get to the cure. My mind moves to Asher and i frown. I sit up, looking around, my breath hitching when i see Asher, his heart ripped out. I get up, rushing over to him. "No, no, no, no." I whisper. "A-asher..." I frown. I hear another groan, but i pay no mind, hoping this is just a trick the island is playing on me.

"Come on, wake up."

"Alina?" Stefan frowns, "Hey," He walks over, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me away from him.

"I-I told him i'd help him." I choke out. "I promised him."

"This isn't your fault." He whispers, "Rebekah's the one that killed hi-"

"I trusted her." I sniffle.

"What's going on?" I stiffen hearing Elena's voice, Stefan wrapping his arm around my waist, holding me tighter. "Oh, my god... Asher." She frowns, "What happened?"

"Rebekah happened." I grit out.

"What? Why'd she kill him?"

"Because there's only one cure, Elena." I snap. "Because she wants the damn cure."

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