LXXXV. Where the Wild Things Are

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"You two giving Elena the evil eye. It's not really helping." He clarifies. I look down at Stefan rolling my eyes.

"She killed my brother, tried to get you to put a dagger in my back, and tried to kill Alina. She's lucky all she's getting is the evil eye." Rebekah hums.

"Especially the number of times she's almost gotten me killed, and me actually dying for her, i own her life." I scoff.

"You know i can hear you, right?" Elena huffs.

"You know we don't care, right?" Rebekah and I say at the same time. She drops the bags, speeding over to Rebekah, the white oak stake pressed against Rebekah's skin. I quickly grab Elena, throwing her to the ground.

"Go ahead. Try and kill me." Rebekah smirks, "It seems everyone you actually try and kill, it doesn't work out." Elena tries to get up, but i quickly raise my foot, pressing my heel down. "And you'd have to face your real problems."

"Like the fact that Stefan invited Rebekah here and begged me to come. I guess he wants a different twin." I smirk, lifting my foot and walking over towards Asher and Max.

"Your sister's a bitch." Max laughs.

"Tell me about it." I hum.

"Sorry to ruin the mood, but, once we find the cure, how are we gonna-" I cut him off, putting a hand over his mouth. I point to my ear telling him people could be listening.

"I told you, I'll get it."

I hear someone clear their throat, Max, and Asher walking away. I furrow my brows, turning around, seeing Stefan. "Can we talk?"

"No matter what i say, you're gonna talk anyway, so, walk and talk," I say, following the rest of the group as we start to hike. Stefan grabs my hand, letting the group walk ahead, us trailing behind.

"I meant everything i said. I do love you." He says softly as we start to walk.

"And i meant it too, I love you, Stefan. But i have other things to focus on right now, so we can talk about this when we get home." I huff, trying to walk faster, Stefan pulling me back. "Stefan..."

"You didn't officially break up with me." He smirks, "I'm still allowed to hold my girlfriend's hand." I fight the urge to smile but i still roll my eyes.

"You're annoying."


We were still walking in silence, Stefan still holding my head. It's nice out here, peaceful if the stories of looming death weren't apparent, i probably would let my guard down. Shane's satellite phone beeping pulled my attention to the front. "Satellite phone lost its signal." he hums.

"That's a good sign." Damon scoffs.

"Is anyone else a little creeped out?" Elena frowns, looking around.

"So then leave," Rebekah smirks. "Out of everyone, your presence is the least necessary." I let out a little laugh.

"Please don't start." Stefan sighs.

"She's not wrong." I shrug.

"Exactly, I'm merely stating the facts. Jeremy has the spell on his body. Bonnie's the with that unseals the cure. Shane is the human compass. You and I have the tombstone which does God know what. And Alina and her pets are three of the strongest vampires here, the protection." I give Rebekah a sarcastic smile before i roll my eyes.

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