Chapter 1

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School. The place where kids go to learn. I like to called it where we sensed to prison for 12 years because that was exactly how it was.

Nobody wants to be here so why are we? They all say we need an education but seriously, can they not make it so boring? Like history I want to fall asleep really bad. That's how boring it is.

It was just a regular day of school for me well kinda. It was the last day of my senior year and I'm couldn't be prouder to have it over. I was surprise I survived the last 12 years of my life going there early in the morning which never was my favorite thing to do. Prison is finally over!

I started to walk home from school with Chloe. I met Chloe when I was in 3rd grade and we have been best friends ever since. I don't know what I would do without her in my life.

"I can't believe we have finish high school," Chloe said with excitement.

"I know I can't believe it either. It feels like yesterday we just became best friends," I replied.

"Yeah I know and now look at us. We just finished high school."

"I'm surprise I got through it."

"Same here. Well here's my house see ya later Taylor."

"Bye Chloe text me later then."

"Okay I will bye."

I started to walk again. My house is 20 minutes from Chloe's. Well in walking distance which I absolutely hate doing. I like driving which takes exactly 2 minutes.

I took out my phone and notice I had like 100 text messages. Ugh! I really hate being in group messages. They are always texting. Like seriously, don't you have something else better to do?

I decided to just put my phone away and keep walking home. I don't need to respond back right now anyway. I didn't even start texting in this conversation. I'm surprise that they didn't take me out of it.

I heard something behind me. I turned around and there was a black van. Um I pretty sure that wasn't there before. I turned back around and started to walk again.

I heard the black van start its engine. I decided to keep walking forward and not look back.

I can hear the van coming close behind me so I turned right on the corner. I turn back and saw the car turning right. I took this opportunity to run.

I ran as I fast as I could with the black van behind me. Then I saw an alley so I decided to run down it.

I ran as far as I could and found out that running down this alley was a mistake. I just ran into a dead end.

I turned around and the black van was 15 feet away from me and stopped.

Two tall, all in black clothes people came out of the van. Black must be their favorite color. Like seriously, I think their underwear is even black. That would be really creepy if they are wearing black underwear.

One of them ran over and grabbed me.

"Let go of me," I screamed at the top of my lungs.

He put his hand on top of my mouth. Oh that was a bad mistake for him.

I bit his hand and he let go of me trying to help his hand. I try to run but the van was blocking every way possible to get out of here.

The other person ran over and grabbed me.

"Let go of me," I yelled at him.

"I can't do that lass, I'm sorry," he said. Why does that voice sounded very familiar to me.

"And why is that?" I asked.

He didn't answered me and started to walk over to the back of the van.

"Can you please let me go?" I asked him again.

He didn't answer and the back of the van opened.

But that is all I remember because everything started to go black...

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