Chapter 10: Let's Confuse Each Other

Start from the beginning

Kai lets out a short laugh and I smile stupidly. Absolutely STUPIDLY.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious."

"Yes, as serious as Donald Trump's hairstylist."

I giggle but say "Don't get political."

"Fine. Selena?"


"I want to see you." He says and my heart stops along with my breath. I love just how he drops such huge bombs so innocently as if it's a walk in the park.

"Can I? Can I come ov_" and then suddenly he is cut off by a female voice.

"There you are!" The voice shouts and my heart drops. "Come back inside, Sean is going to play "The 1975" song that you told him to."

"I'm coming, Amelia," he shouts back, and then I hear a door slam.

Amelia? So, he's with her, the girl from that motorcycle race night. And here I was wondering about him, thinking of ways to apologize and asking him if he was okay, and he's just there with her listening to "The 1975". How dare he!?

How dare he ditch our midnight wanderings for that! How dare he listen to one of my most favorite bands WITH HER!!! With someone who is not me! How dare he say something so breathtaking to me when he is there, having fun with HER!


"So, can I? Can I come over? Now." He asks me and I clear my throat. Is he kidding me?

I try to calm myself because I don't want to let him know that I am goddamn jealous! I can't let him make fun of me.

Pathetic, I'm SO pathetic.

"I'm actually going to bed."

"Sel, I re_," He starts to say when I cut him off.

"I'm tired, Kai. I honestly need to get some sleep." After a pause, he sighs and clears his throat.

"Okay...Sure. Will I see you tomorrow?"

"Probably." And then I end the call.

Now we might be okay, but I'm definitely not.

I throw my phone on the nightstand beside my bed and close my eyes.

After a while, I hear it vibrate twice, but I don't pay attention to it and try to count the imaginary stars to fall asleep.

Except that doesn't help the way it always did.

The next day my first show already discussed with Austin via emails, I get ready to go to work all wrapped up in excitement.

Because 1) I'll be talking about 'The 1975' and 2) I'm thrilled to meet Robert, since Austin told me he was hyper to meet me too, and 3) I am positive that my chances to meet Kai are higher, when I'm at home than I'm at the office, since he only shows up there whenever he pleases. The words of his staff, not mine.

I rush out of our apartment block since I don't want to see Kai, because I'm still confused, or worse, bump into Amelia if he did bring her home last night.

This thought alone makes me throw up in my mouth a little, although I know I have no reason to act or feel like this.

On my way to the station, I buy four bowls of ice cream-vanilla, chocolate, chocolate mint, and strawberry flavored just in case, so that I can bribe Robert and Lola to like me.

I open the door to our studio to see Austin, a girl, and a guy, arguing over which songs from the Coldplay playlist they are going to put during the "InfoPlay"- my show.

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