( xiii ) ♡ 𝐢'𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝟐.𝟎

Start from the beginning

"Dunder Mifflin Corporate Office, this is Willow."

"Willow! Hi!" 

"Um, hello Michael."

"If you do not mind I would love to speak to Miss Jan Levinson!"

"Sure, I'll put you through in a second."

"Very good!" Michael cheered before Willow quickly put him on hold. She pressed a button that rang to Jan's line.

"Jan, Michael Scott is on the line. Again." Jan let out a loud sigh at the statement.

"Put him through. This is the twentieth time he called this week, my God." Jan complained as Willow patched him through to Jan.

Since Jan was occupied with a conference call with the managers at the Utica and Albany branches, Willow opened one of her desk drawers and pulled out a camera. The camera was fairly old (as it was borrowed from a friend) but functional nonetheless. Willow set up the camera to take a picture of her coffee for the week's assignment. 

Willow has always adored photography. As a kid she loved going to her uncle's house to observe and utilize the variety of old cameras he collected over the years. She adored using her old Polaroid camera to take pictures of nature and friends and objects in her house. 

She remembered back at Jim's party when Dwight questioned her about a small Polaroid of Willow and her three brothers tacked onto the wall adjacent to one of the light switches. She smiled as she remembered the day they took the picture and how genuinely interested Dwight looked when she told him that story. 

Her expression soon turned cold as little moments like that could no longer happen. She temporarily moved away for a reason; to get over Dwight. She needed to get away to clear her head, and with Jim taking a job in the Stamford branch and Pam coping with her breakup with Roy, she basically had no one left. So what does 'Willow Halpert 2.0' do? Sign the hell up to the first art class she sees in New York.

The days leading up to her departure were particularly hard. With Jim already at Stamford, Willow usually found herself hanging out at reception with Pam, since she'd almost cry every time she locked eyes with the salesman across from her. Even during the most inane conference room meeting, she'd leave when she saw him sit next to Angela, lying that she had to go to the bathroom or take an important sales call, asking Pam to tell her if she missed anything important.

She remembered looking Dwight straight in the face when announcing she was going to New York for four months; sort of a way to stick it to him that she no longer needed him. However, her heart would ache for him. With every call she cancelled from him to try and forget about him, the rejection still haunted her dreams. It sort of felt like a living nightmare.

Willow set the camera back down and began to distractedly organize some lone files on her desk. She took a sip and began telling herself to move on. Dwight is with someone else and she was going nowhere pining after someone who clearly was in a relationship. 

However, she couldn't help but miss him. And she hated herself for it.

Dwight Schrute entered the lowly office and quickly walked over to his desk. Giving a polite nod to Ryan, he set his briefcase down and sat at his desk, logging into his computer. He felt himself looking over at the desk across from him; only to see that it was empty. A distinct memory from the Casino Night only months earlier flooded into his mind.

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