«If you don't mind» started the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher «I would like you to go against the boggart we just saw. Just for a curiosity of mine, don't worry»

«I suppose I can,» said the Slytherin. It was just the two of them, so he shouldn't bear with eventual rumours afterwards.

«Good, now come here» Lupin motioned the boy in front of the old wardrobe.

Draco tried to be mentally ready for what he would see, but when grey orbs stared at him with the same bloodlust he saw every time he closed his eyes, he realized he could never be prepared for that.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and thought of a small, cute puppy.


When he opened his eyes he saw a pup, half the size of the original wolf, with black fur and emerald green eyes.

The little wolf looked around confused and Professor Lupin shoved it back in the closet.

The look on Remus' eyes sent confusing messages to the student. He seemed to be happy and sad at the same time.

Before anyone could say anything, the teacher put a silencing spell around the room.

«So, you're a werewolf» broke the silence Lupin.

«Is that what the scent does? It tells you if a werewolf is near?» asked Draco, sitting on the front desk.

«Does it mean you're a werewolf too?» the adult merely nodded.

«Why couldn't I find anything useful about the smell?» it drove him mad the last few days.

«All the books about werewolves in this school were written by humans who know less than half useful things about us»

There was an awkward silence.

«When were you bitten?» asked Remus.

«Two days before school started» Draco shivered at the thought.

«So this month is your first full moon» realized the older wolf. The blond nodded.

«Does the Headmaster know?»

Draco scoffed.

«Nobody must know. It would ruin the family name» he said mimicking his father's voice.

«He treats me like it was my fault Greyback was mad at him»

«Not even teachers?» how would he manage the year without a single teacher knowing?

The Malfoy heir - not for long, he thought bitterly - shook his head.

«What will you do after every full moon? You'll need medical attention! And Professor Snape could make you Wolfsbane potion, so you can keep your right mind during the night» how could Lucius let his son live like that?

«Snape is the last person I want to know» snapped Draco

«I see how he looks at you. I've only seen him make that face when he looks at Potter. Pure hatred» he looked away from his teacher's face.

«I guess he doesn't like werewolves»

«That's not the only reason he hates me, but yes, he doesn't like werewolves» laughed awkwardly Remus.

The Slytherin gave him a confused and curious look and, as a teacher, Remus hoped he would never lose the curiosity he had, even for silly things like that.

«That's a story for another time» he smiled, happy that lycanthropy hasn't ruined this young boy yet.

«I have a safe place we can transform, but you have to tell at least Madam Pomfrey. She would find out soon anyway, she knows pretty well the effect of a full moon on werewolves»

«She then should tell the Headmaster and he can't know. My father despises him, if he found out I told Dumbledore he would curse me 'till I pass out» Draco now feared his father. Before the night, he was always kind - as much as a Malfoy can be - to him.

The day he woke up with a bandaged leg and his mother crying beside him, he noticed his father had changed.

He had a different look in his eyes: anger, disgust, disappointment.

He was disappointed that his son became a monster.

He would have preferred that Draco died, instead of having that thing as an heir.

He was probably planning to disown him and having another son while his mother still could.

«Poppy knows how to keep a secret and nobody said that she has to tell everything to the Headmaster» Remus winked at him.

Draco hesitated. Could he trust his teacher? Could there be any reason for him to betray a student? What if he decided to give Draco's secret away? No, that wouldn't make sense, the blond could do the same. Maybe he could give him a chance.

He nodded and gave the other a small smile.

«What about the Wolfsbane potion?» teacher and student stayed a minute in silence, thinking of what to do.

Then, Remus nodded to himself.

«Since you don't want Severus to know, we have enough potion just for one person. If I take it, I can try to keep you calm. I doubt you could succeed if you took the potion»

Another nod came from the young boy and the professor smiled.

«You should go now. I don't want to take all your free time and your friends must be worried. If you need anything, even just talk, you can come to me» Remus walked forward and patted Draco's shoulder.

«Oh! I almost forgot, come to my office after dinner every full moon. I'll take you to the safe place»

«Yes, sir» and with that, they went their ways, one preparing his next class with fifth years and the other dealing with his suspicious friends, completely forgetting to ask the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts to teach him the silencing charm.

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