Chapter 17: Are you scared?

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In honor of the new watcher show! I loved it and I also just absolutely love this prompt so I just had to use it with the ghouls boys)

Shane lounged in the big leather chair in the living room, one lanky leg kicked over the arm and the other stretched out normally. The house was quiet that day, no nosy people coming to interview them.

There was a cast of characters in this house, mostly normal ghouls and ghosts but ever since Shane died the house had become more- demonic. Of course he hadn't killed or possessed anyone, he didn't need another spirit to watch over, but he had made the house a little more.... famous.

There was a knock and then the sound of something slipping through the door, and suddenly there was a second familiar ghostly spirit in the room.

"Ryan?!" Shane shot up from his seat and stood in front of the smaller ghost boy.

"Shane! I thought you would be here! I'm so happy I don't have to be alone anymore." Ryan grinned at him and Shane couldn't help but smile back.

"The ghoul boys are actually ghouls now!" Shane chuckled. "I guess you were right, never thought I'd see you again to tell you that." The two of them took a seat on the couch.

"This house is one of the most haunted ever since you arrived buddy, I know we can't really get the news anymore." The two of them continued the small talk, just catching up on the last 5 years before Ryan joined Shane.

Suddenly, the door opened and a group of 5 people walked into the house. They were all holding ghost gear. 3 were talking to the cameras that the other 2 were holding.

"Ghost hunters." Shane whispered to Ryan. "Just like we were."

"Let's play a game." Ryan whispered back, a smirk on his face. "Who can scare them more." He stuck out a hand to Shane, who immediately grabbed it and shook it.

"You're on pal." He grinned.

"The history of this house is interesting. No one has ever died here. It seems like this place is simply a holding house for spirits." Shane floated in the corner of the room next to his ghost friend, watching the ghost hunters go over the history.

"Because of how weak the veil between the worlds is here."  For once Shane was nodding along with them, before he died he would have been laughing his ass off if Ryan said something like that but now- dangit he really lost huh.

"Before this place had been fully peaceful, just the occasional fba and disembodied voices," the third guy started, looking scared and nervous like Ryan always did, "But in the last 5 years a new spirit has arrived and has become- well, not kind. Reports of scratches and pushing from a 'malevolent entity' had been reported." the man shuddered when he finished his statement, making Shane chuckle.

"What was that?" The camera man pointed the camera up at them, of course neither them or the camera could see the two boys. The first woman also turned to look up there, a look of concern crossing her face.

"Holy shit I heard someone laugh." The woman got up and grabbed something that reminding him of-

Loud ass spirit box noises filled the room and both Shane and his companion made noises of discomfort.

"Ok now I hate that thing." Ryan said. The spirit box reflecting some mumbling of Ryan's voice and Shane rose an eyebrow at the fact that it's actually real.

"I'm moving closer." He whispered, walking over to the spirit box.

"Hello? If that was you laughing can you please say your name?"

"Satan." Shane said calmly, both him and Ryan trying not to laugh as the group of 5 all looked at each other with wide eyes.

"2/10, you can do better Shane." Ryan mumbled.

"Hello? Don't joke around who are you." This time it was Ryan's turn.

"I'll kill you." Ryan spoke in his low narrative voice, making Shane grin. The five recoiled again and the scared man from earlier shivered.

"Uhhh lets just move on for now." The head girl said, the crew quickly moving out of the room while the two ghostly friends shared a hi-five.

At one point, the third guy had decided that he would go investigate Shane's room by himself, and the game was on. As the man approached, Shane decided to be courteous and open the door for him, gasps and fear spreading from the group.

"Well uh- go on Jack." The girl said to the man, who hesitantly stepped inside. Shane slammed the door behind Jack and settled down on the bed, leaving a booty imprint on the previously smoothed out sheets.

"H-hello?" The poor guy was shaking, clutching his camera and trying to face Shane directly.

"Hi, welcome to the hot seat." Ryan was sitting on the floor next to the bed and snorted at his words.

"H-holy s-s-shit." The man mumbled to himself. "What do you want with me?"

"Your soul." Ryan spoke up.

"That's- is there two of you now?" Jack asked, seeming to relax a bit more.

"Hmmm maybe." Ryan responded while Shane snuck behind the man and calmly sliced his fingernails down the guys arm. They both sifted laughter as Jack jumped a foot in the air and gasped at his brand new fun little tattoos. He fled from the room, calling his crew all the while.

They lost it as soon as the door clicked shut, smacking each other playfully and taking about 3 minutes to stop laughing.

"I'm going to make them shit themselves." Ryan said casually, taking a deep breath and getting up before leaving the room. Shane followed behind and watched as his friend calmly appeared the the group, somehow having acquired ketchup on his hand and reaching out for Jack, who was holding a bandage to the 3 cuts.

Shane laughed as 5 screams filled the air and they were gone quicker than he could say 'choo choo pickle pie.'

The ghosts of the house had a nice dinner in the silence of a very infamous haunted house, Shane and Ryan laughing all the while.

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