Chapter 7: First kiss

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Ryan sat quietly on the couch, reading something and listening to the tv in the background. It was around 12 at night and the family was finally winding down, their son would be home from a party soon and then Ryan would join Shane in bed, he just wanted to make sure his son made it home safe.

The door opened and Ryan shut his book, looking up as Cedric walked inside, dumping his jacket to the side and then noticing his father.

"Hey dad, you didn't have to wait for me."

"I wanted to make sure you made it home safe, how was the party?" Ryan asked, standing up to give him a hug. The boy was about 2 inches taller than Ryan but he didn't mind being the smallest in the family.

"It was really fun." Cedric smiled, walking over and getting himself some water. "But we talked about something and I kinda want to ask you about it."

"Yeah go for it." Ryan shrugged, putting his book away and sitting back on the couch.

"What was you and dads first kiss like?" Ryan sputtered, slightly confused at the question.

"Why that question?" He asked curiously as his son sat across from him.

"We were all talking about ours so I was just curious." Ryan nodded.

"Alright, I'll settle down for this." He chuckled softly and began the story

Music played around the room and lights flashed, kids danced throughout it and the air was hot with the number of people in the place. Ryan stood off to the side with Shane and a few of his other friends. He was wearing a blazer, nothing too fancy since it was just a winter dance.

He glanced over at Shane again, he couldn't keep his eyes off the boy. He was stunning like usual, Ryan had liked his best friend for about 2 years now and it had been killing him. He had come out to Shane, but he didn't seem to get the hint nor did he really mention anything else about it.

Ryan looked up from his drink and over at Steven, who was excusing himself to go off somewhere with his girlfriend.

"Ok bye Steven." Ryan waved, now being left with the one person he didn't want to be alone with.

"Ryan you've been awfully quiet." Shane piped up, putting his drink down and turning to his friend.

"Oh yeah I'm fine." He lied, flashing Shane a smile.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Shane asked. "Just like around the school? I could use getting out of this loud environment." Ryan nodded immediately and the two boys started to walk out side by side.

The hallways were decorated with snowflakes and snowmen and all things winter and Christmas, muffled music flowed down the stretch and left peaceful ambience for the two, it was quiet nice. Ryan sighed softly and looked up at his tall friend as they stopped in the hallway. His hair had attempted to look nice but it had started to defy gravity again, along with a blazer and a white button up, he looked more attractive than usual.

Ryan then glanced slightly higher than Shane's head and was met with something he was overjoyed to see, mistletoe.

"Shane- is that mistletoe?" The boy also glanced up and his eyes widened.

"Yeah it is Ryan." Ryan smiled softly and rose up slightly on his toes so he could reach Shane, lightly pulling him down using his shirt. They're lips met in the middle of the school hallway.

Cedric smiled at the story. "That sounds really sweet dad, I hope I have a sweet story like that." He said. Ryan smiled and before he could speak up another voice rang into the room.

"Ryan stop feeding our son horseshit." Shane walked his lanky ass into the room and sat down on the chair next to the couch.

"Oh what Shane." Ryan rolled his eyes and met his gaze.

"That's not how our first kiss went at all." This made Cedric raise an eyebrow at the two.

"Did dad lie to me?" Cedric asked Shane, who chuckled and then nodded.

"Oh yeah, definitely not how our first kiss when." Ryan protested and got another glare from Shane. "I'm gonna tell it the right way."

Music pumped through the room and kids danced around, screaming lyrics and creating so much body heat that Shane was sweating. Or maybe it was just the fact that he was currently there with his best friend- who he wish wasn't just his best friend.

He had liked Ryan for a while now and hadn't really done anything about it, but tonight he planned to ask him out.

The two of them stood away from the crowd with a few friends, Ryan had been awfully quiet the whole time so when Steven had walked away he turned to the boy.

"You wanna go for a walk?" He asked Ryan, itching to get the two of them alone.

"Yeah." They left the room and walked quietly into the hallway. Shane could see how nervous Ryan looked and felt a little bad, so he stopped Ryan in the middle of the hallway- which happened to be right under some mistletoe. He gently took Ryan's hand and smirked softly, pointing up at the ceiling.

"There's mistletoe Ryan." He pointed out, the other boys eyes widened as he spotted it and and blushed, shying away.

"Uh- yeah there is." Shane gently put a hand under his chin, turning the boy to look up and him and then kissing him gently.

They broke away after a moment and Ryan looked quite terrified, before just- fucking running off.

Cedric burst out laughing at Ryan and he glared over at Shane.

"Fuck you." Ryan said to him, Shane wheezing

"I had to tell him the truth honey." Cedric was still laughing and Ryan pushed him off the couch.

"Ow! Rude." Cedric sat on the floor pouting like a child. "At least I didn't run away from my first kiss."

"I hate both of you." Ryan attempted to walk off, being scooped into a hug by Shane, who laid his head on his shoulder and mumbled 'you're adorable, but full of shit'

The household burst into another fit of laughter

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