Insane Love

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We were free now, our struggle was over but Oliver would be coming soon. Lana grabbed my hand pulling me forward towards the road. We ran. Finally, stretching our legs and running as fast as our injured ankles would allow. I caught sight of the flash of headlights and Lana, running into the road right in front of a car. I opened my mouth to scream for her to get out of the road but it was too late. To my relief, the car slammed to a stop right in front of Lana who slammed her hands down on the hood of it. "Andrea hurry! Get in!" I didn't think it was a very bright idea to jump into a car with a complete stranger but I knew we had no choice. I opened the door pushing Lana in ahead of me before climbing in myself, slamming the door behind us.

"Go! Hurry he's coming, he's gonna kill us!" Lana said shakily. The man in the car hit the gas, shooting the car forward and away from Oliver's threshold. I stared at the guy in the car, glaring forward. He never spoke a word, just drove ahead. "You've got to get us to the cops, he's gonna kill us." Lana whimpered. "What did you do him?" The man asked. "What? Nothing! He kidnapped us!" She cried. "Yeah, yeah, the woman is always the innocent one isn't she? Well you know what, he'll probably catch you and if he does I hope he gives you just what you deserve." he shot back. I glanced at Lana, confused. Suddenly the man pulled out a gun. My eyes widened in fear but he put it to his own head and pulled the trigger. The car began spinning wildly out of control as I grabbed for the wheel. Suddenly, everything went completely black.

I opened my eyes slowly, wondering where I was and what had happened and suddenly my memory came flooding back. I started to sit up but my head started pounding. "Lana." I whispered so quietly I could barely hear myself. I then saw sister Mary Eunice walk over to my bedside, I closed my eyes. Not again! "Welcome back dear." she said smiling innocently. I heard groaning from across the room and forced myself to sit up. Lana was also just waking up. Mary Eunice left leaving another one of the sisters in the room with us. She held a bowl up to Lana's mouth as she vomited. I walked over to her bed, sitting down gently on the side of it. I rubbed her back as she continued to vomit. "I'm just upset." she said quietly. "Now you rest while I go see what they need you to do." said the nun. After she left the room, Lana lifted up a set of keys she had hijacked from the nun without her noticing. I gave her a high five, a smile spreading across my face. "Way to go!"

Just then the cell opened and we were taken back to that same room, with the same record playing and all the same people stumbling around. I glanced at Lana, unable to hold back a smile when I saw her rolling her eyes. "Well now what?" I laughed. "Why are you laughing?!" Lana asked, a small smile spreading across her face. It quickly disappeared, "Son of a bitch!" She whispered. I looked in the direction she was looking and my heart caught in my throat. Oliver walked into the door, standing for a moment to survey the room before catching sight of us. He walked over and sat down across from us on a chair. Part of me wanted to throw my arms around him, tell him I missed him and that I still loved him but another part of me wanted to run and hide. I stared into his dark eyes. "Well look at us sitting around like civilized people." he said handing me and Lana each a cigarette. I took one but Lana just glared at him. "How did you find us?" Lana asked shakily. "I read the paper, heard about the wreck and knew exactly where they would take you. Back here, where you escaped from." he smiled slyly. "You better watch your backs ladies!" He said standing up to leave. I watched him go, wanting to talk to him more but it was too late.

"We need to get to a phone!" Lana said quietly. "I'm calling the cops" "Lana no, I..." "Shut up Andrea! I'm done with this! I know that you love him, I'm not sure how but I'm calling the cops, I'm sorry!" I looked down at my lap wishing I could stop her but she had a point. He was crazy.

*****Im so sorry it took me so long to update I've been really busy with school*****

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