Insane Love

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"How are we gonna get passed the guards?" I asked Oliver as he helped Lana and I get dressed so we wouldn't be noticed. It was the evening Lana and I had been waiting for since the day we were thrown into this endless nightmare. "I already told you... just walk, you'll make it out, just get in the car." "Okay, okay I get it." We began walking down the stairs, past the office where the officer sat, on his phone, out the door, across the parking lot, into the car. I grinned at Lana squeezing her hand excitedly. Freedom at last. Just as Oliver began to get into the car, one of the men came from inside asking Oliver to come quickly inside. "I don't care about this place anymore, in fact I never did." Oliver replied before getting into the car.

* * * * * *

Oliver drove us to his house, when we got inside Lana laughingly pointed out that she wanted to go to her own house. Oliver replied by saying that would be the first place the police would check when they noticed her missing. He asked if we wanted drinks, I smiled flirtingly at him. "Of course." Lana seemed really uneasy, I was just happy to be free with her and Oliver. He brought the drinks in, handing them to us, I saw Lana staring at the lamp shade on the table beside her, and then Oliver scooted a bowl of mints over to us asking if we wanted one. I turned his offer down, wondering if I was losing my mind, the bowl was made of scull! "I need to use the bathroom. The wine went straight to my head." Lana laughed nervously. After she left I looked up, seeing Oliver staring me right in the eyes. "I'm gonna go check on her, She didn't look too good." I smiled at him getting up and walking back into the hall where Lana disappeared. I found her standing in a room filled with surgical tools, human skin and bones hanging on the walls. She looked mortified!

I then felt a hand on my shoulder, whipping around I saw Oliver and began backing towards Lana. "Looks like you found my workshop!" He said making my skin crawl. Lana tried to act natural asking about it as her voice began to crack. The last thing I remember up until waking up in his "play room" was him saying he used skin to make things and hitting a button causing the floor to open up right under our feet. When I woke up I looked over to see Lana also just waking up. "Lana are you okay?" I asked quietly. She ignored me and began screaming "Hello!" her voice, hoarse. "Lana stop yelling we aren't getting out of here." I said trying to calm her.

I heard Lana whisper "Wendy..." I saw her start reaching towards Wendy's dead body and just pulled my knees up burying my face in them, I couldn't see this. I heard Lana scream, louder then when we were locked up at Briarcliff. She started scooting towards me and I grabbed her, hugging her, letting go of all the tears building up. She was shaking so bad that I really began to worry about her. I heard a voice and looked up to see Oliver standing in front of us. I glared at him hugging Lana closer. I was sick of people terrorizing her! "Okay Lana lets continue with the therapy. We'll start by you kissing her cold lips." He went on to tell all about how he had frozen Wendy's body, making sure to tell all of the grisly details, making Lana continue screaming. "You're so sick!" I said trying to muffle Lana's screams. He just laughed and began attempting to tear Lana from my grip. "LEAVE HER ALONE! Please don't hurt her!"

He drug her to a bed that was positioned on the other side of the room, set beside of another one. He pulled her onto it, putting another chain around her ankle so she couldn't get away. Then he came back over to me grabbing my arm, I quickly jerked away. "I can walk okay!" I said angrily. I walked over to the bed letting him put the chain around my ankle. I looked over at Lana, she had tears running down her face and I could tell she wanted to be with me. "Can you at least let us be near each other? For Pete's sakes she's terrified it's the least you could do!" I asked, I wasn't letting him man handle me. He didn't answer, he just walked out of the room, closing and locking the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. "He's bloody face Andrea." "I know." "What he gonna do to us?" I saw another tear roll down her face. "I don't know but we're gonna be just fine, just play along with it, whatever he asks you to do, I don't care what it is, just do it. That's the only way that we're gonna make it." She began sobbing into her pillow. I laid back closing my eyes. I didn't know what his plans were for us but being weak wasn't gonna help anything. Lana was so sheltered and comfortable all the time, always getting whatever she wanted so I knew she was probably hoping to die right now.

I soon drifted into a light sleep, waking to the smell of food cooking, I sat up quickly looking over at Lana to make sure she was still there. I saw her laying, facing me, her eyes were closed but a small smile was spreading across her face. I frowned, "why is she smiling?" I thought. I saw Oliver with his back to us cooking something. I nearly jumped out of the bed when I heard a blood curdling scream coming from Lana's bed, and jumped again when I heard Oliver scream back at her. I just sat there stunned. "These walls are completely sound proof no one's gonna hear you." He said calmly. I glanced at Lana who was shaking uncontrollably again. He brought us each a plate then he sat down on my bed watching me closely. I began eating not taking my eyes off of him. "This is good." I heard Lana say shakily. I never said anything. I thought I was stronger but I was actually intimidated and scared by how close he was to me.

He began telling his story of how he was raised in an orphanage because his mother abandoned him. I found myself feeling bad for him but then remembered what he had done to Lana and instantly felt that dark hate rise inside me. He told us about medical school where he had a strange obsession with a cadaver, sneaking in at night to feel her skin, he told us that the orphanage was strict about no affection and all he wanted was a mother's touch. I remembered what I told Lana about playing along with it so I gently reached up putting my hand on Oliver's face. He looked at me, shocked. Suddenly I realized that as sick as he was, he needed help and I was just the person to help him.

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