Insane Love

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Lana stared straight ahead motionlessly and I had to gently push her aside to see what was the matter. My heart stopped when I saw Oliver enter the room. How had he gotten out? He walked in like he owned the place, looking right at us. Lana had sat down, shrinking behind me for cover but he could sense where we were. He patted a few of the patients and spoke to the guards before walking towards us, smiling slyly. I sat straight and looked him right in the eyes to seem unintimidated.

He sat down right in front of us, holding out a cigarette to me. "No thanks." I replied, smiling, hoping that he wouldn't know I was nervous. "I'm going to start off with telling you Lana, that my son is still very much alive inside you right now. Also I guess you're wondering how I got loose? Sister Mary Eunice found me and let me go. She also gave me a higher position for agreeing to work here again so I now have more control over what happens to my patients. Do you know what that means for you?" He asked looking into my eyes. "No, I don't." I said, looking right back. "That means I can take you both out of here whenever I want and take you back so that we can continue and oh Lana, I won't kill you. At least until my son is born and has breast fed and then... You're a goner." My heart lurched at this and I wondered what he had planned for me. "And Andrea... Your skin would make some pretty furniture don't you think?" I almost got sick at hearing this. Maybe we were gonna die after all, but then I remembered the tape. Maybe I couldn't help him. Maybe he couldn't get better. We would have to turn him in. "Whatever works I guess." I said feeling a lump in my throat. Oliver stared at me for a moment, taken aback that I was so calm about what he'd just informed us about. "Whatever you want." I whispered. "Kit knows about the tape and I've decided to do whatever it takes to get him to confess about where it is." Oliver said quietly before standing up and going to talk to some of the guards across the room.

"Lana you told Kit about the tape?" I asked astonished that she didn't keep that between us. "I did Andrea and now we need to go hide it again before Oliver gets it." She said matter of factly. "Alright then let's go." I said standing up and sneaking towards the door. Lana looked surprised that I was so willing. We snuck to the bathroom and I watched our backs while Lana switched the tape with a book from the shelf on the wall. "I have an idea, we could hide it in the panty in the kitchen. No one would expect to look in a bag of flour right?" Lana suggested. "You're right." I responded.

We started to the kitchen but were stopped by one of the superiors by the name of mother Claudia. "You're Andrea and Lana right?" She asked. "Um yes. Why?" Lana asked. "Do you see the woman over there?" Mother Claudia asked pointing at sister Jude. "Yes of course that's sister Jude." I responded. "Well she says you two aren't meant to be here and she has asked me personally to get you out. So thisevening I will call a taxi and you guys are free." She smiled at us. "Wait for real?" Lana asked. "Yes. She said you aren't supposed to be here and she won't let up until we get you two out of here so be ready this evening." Lana looked at me wide eyed and threw her arms around me crying with joy. I hugged her back smiling with happy tears in my eyes. Lana then quietly snuck into the pantry to hide the tape while I went to talk to sister Jude.

"Hey." I whispered, kneeling down beside her. "I don't know if you can't hear me or if you just choose not to but... Thank you. You saved us." She stared blankly at her hands. I gently brushed her hair out of her face. "Thank you." I whispered again before going back to Lana.

"She say anything?" She asked. "Nope. Did you get the tape hidden?" I asked. "Yeah let's go." We started back to the lobby but heard a noise as we passed the bathroom. I held my hand up to Lana to indicate to stop. I peeked through the crack in the door and saw Oliver bent over, reaching under the tub and I automatically knew Kit had told him exactly where we put it. I pointed at the door and Lana moved closer and looked inside for herself. Suddenly she opened it and stepped inside. I tried to stop her but she was already imside so I followed behind her.

Oliver jumped and turned to face us with what he thought was the tape. He smiled slyly at us. "Gotcha!" He sneered. "Do you?" Lana asked, smiling back. Oliver looked confused and quickly tore the fabric from the book. I saw the rage on his face as he pulled his fist back to punch Lana in the face. I quickly stepped in front of her, laying my hand on his fist before he could hit one of us. "Don't." I whispered. He put his hand down and glared at us. "I should've killed you." He said. "But you didn't because I love you and you knew it." I said, a knot growing in my throat again. I could tell that caught his attention and he almost looked sad. It killed me but we had to do something. We had to turn him in. I heard Lana exit the room behind me. "Goodbye Oliver." I whispered as I followed behind Lana.

I heard him punch the wall behind me and wanted so badly to turn around and take him in my arms and stay with him but I had to get Lana out of here. I followed her to the lobby. Once there, I sat down beside her. "Can this even be real?" Lana asked in a happy daze. "I think it is." I smiled back. After awhile we were all ushered back to our cells where we waited for our freedom. After a few hours mother Claudia came to our cell to take us to the taxi. Lana rushed to the kitchen to get the tape after we had dressed. We started down the stairs that led to the front doors. I spotted Oliver talking to Kit and stopped for a moment. I couldn't stop watching him and how normal he seemed like nothing was wrong with him. Suddenly I felt Lana grab my hand and drag me out the door. I saw Oliver look at us and start towards us but we were already outside and in the taxi. He looked bewildered. The taxi started pulling away. Away from the nightmares and death and sadness. I watched Oliver's face and was startled to feel a tear run down my own face. I laid my hand on the glass and saw the misery cross Oliver's face at losing the one person who really loves him. I looked at Lana who held the tape up with one hand and flipped Oliver off with the other. I leaned back against the seat and closed my eyes. "What's wrong?" Lana asked quietly. "I'm just happy." I said through my tears not wanting to tell her that I was really crying over leaving Oliver. Lana squeezed my hand and smiled at me apparently believing me. There was still a huge part of me that was so relieved to finally be free. It was over.

This isn't the longest chapter but I felt like it should kind of end here. I'll publish the next chapter sometime tomorrow. Hope you're liking it so far. Leave comment please! :)

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