Insane Love

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I ran into the room to see Lana sitting on the floor crying as she tried to use a hanger to abort her baby. "LANA STOP!" I screamed, running to her side and nearly slipping in the puddle of blood forming on the tile floor beneath her. "Lana please stop you're gonna hurt yourself!" I cried pulling the hanger away from her and wrapping my arms around her. Her body shook as a sob burst from her. "Lana you can't just do that!" I whispered. "You don't understand Andrea! I can't do this!" I held her head against my shoulder and let her cry out all of the grief and misery. "You have to, I know you don't want this baby but you can come up with something. It's killing Oliver to know that you're just gonna slaughter a human life!" She stiffened in my arms and glared up at me. "He's all you care about isn't he, you don't care that I have to raise this baby all by myself and want to die every time I look at it because I can't stand to let the memories come flooding back. I'll never love it Andrea." I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes. "I'm not fighting anymore Lana, but you can't do it like this, wait until we get out of here." she pulled away from me. "I have the recorder, let's go." she said, her voice shaking as she stood up. I followed her out of the cell, looking cautiously for guards and into the storage room. Oliver was leaned back asleep. I gently shook him, "Hey... Wake up." Lana strode over and kicked him in the side. I swatted her foot away. "Lana knock it off." I rolled my eyes but she wasn't listening to me. He glared at us and I gently brushed his hair out of his face and pulled the gag out of his mouth. "Lets make a deal Oliver." Lana said slyly. "You tell me everything I want to know about how and why you murdered those women and the baby lives." His eyes widened with surprise. I moved to the back of the room where the recorder was. My finger lingered over the start button. It was either hit the button and practically be pulling the trigger on Oliver, or simply don't hit the button and tell Lana the machine malfunctioned. I took a deep breath and hit the button. "Now tell me Oliver, why did you do it?" She asked. I sat looking at the floor as he repeated everything he had told us back at his house. "I simply cut off their skin, cut off their heads and disposed of the bodies." he said smiling slightly. I felt nauseous at his words. "And the skin?" Lana asked. She could barely hold back a chuckle at the thought of him exposing every detail. When she was finished getting everything she could she stood up and walked over to me taking the recorder and holding it up. "Well now that I've got some serious evidence I can inform you that your son is dead as of last night." she smiled politely and strode out of the room. Oliver's face turned white with horror and tears started streaming down his face. I stood up and faced the door watching as Lana went to hide the recording. "THAT BITCH!" Oliver yelled, startling me. "Oliver be quiet!" I said walking over and gently kneeling beside him. "I thought you cared about me, why would you do that!" His voice cracked with emotion. "It's gonna be okay baby you have to trust me. But I'll tell you one thing, I cannot let what you did to me, or Lana, or those other women go unpunished. I could never let Lana down like that, I don't support you if that's what you think. I just want you to stop so I can love you like a normal person but you cant do that, you're a murderer!" His eyes widened and fresh tears poured down his face. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him close. He sobbed and clung to me as I gently kissed him repeatedly. "I'm totally against abortion and would've done anything to stop Lana from doing it, I actually did try, but what makes you think what she's doing is any different then what you've done?" I asked him. He couldn't speak for the sobbing as I pulled him even closer. "That baby was innocent, he never did a thing to me. He was my creation." Oliver whimpered. "And the women you killed were innocent too, they were someone's child at one point why can't you get that through your head?" I asked, feeling sick. He didn't respond, just buried his face in my shoulder. "I love you okay, I really do and I'm gonna help but you have to trust me." I said as I pulled away from him. I glanced at him one more time before going to find Lana.

I was walking down the hallway to the lobby when I was suddenly, roughly jerked into one of the rooms adjoining the hall. I almost yelped but realized it was Lana. "Done with your little heart to heart chat?" She spit out. I rolled my eyes. "Lana do you realize that I could've decided to not hit the record button back there and saved his ass! But I knew how screwed you would be and I couldn't do that to you. So stop trying to make me feel like I'm the crazy one because I just want everyone to be safe and happy!" I yelled. She just looked at me blankly and I saw her wrapping the tape up and hiding it under the tubs in the room. "No one is safe with him around." She whispered. I knew she was probably right but I didn't care anymore. I loved him. No matter how strange it was, I loved him and felt like he needed me. I silently followed her to the lobby. We sat in silence. I knew how mad she was at me and she had every right to be. "I'm gonna kill him. Today. In fact now is better then never and you're not stopping me." She said standing up. I grabbed her wrist. "Lana... Please stop... Please. I don't know how to do this anymore but this isn't the way." I whispered in a panic. She jerked away from me and turned to the door. "Lana..." She stopped suddenly.

Sorry for the short chapter and the HUGEE absence but I totally got bored with this book until now so I'll try to write another chapter tonight to make up for it and the next one will be longer, please comment ideas, etc!

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