Insane Love

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Once again we were filed back to our cell where Lana pulled the key out from under the mattress and looked both ways before unlocking the door. "What are you doing?" I asked her sitting up in my bed where I had been trying to sleep. "I'm going to find a phone and call the cops!" She whispered loudly. "Lana I'm serious you need to stop!" "No Andrea, you need to stop! You're being so stupid!" She said, jabbing the key in my direction like she wanted to stab me. I got up and followed her out the door to stop her but she was already gone.

"Lana! Lana where are you?" I whispered loudly. Suddenly I could hear muffled yelling and banging from inside one of the rooms lining the hall. I walked up to the door peering in through a crack in the door. I saw Oliver with a phone chord around Lana's neck, pulling her to the ground. She was fighting him but he was overpowering her. I had to do something! Grabbing a vase off of the floor and busted into the room, swinging the vase as hard as I could at the back of his head. I heard a sickening thump as it connected with his skull, sending him sprawling to the floor, knocked out. I dropped the vase, breathing hard. Lana ran over throwing her arms around me. I hugged her back, brushing the hair out of her eyes. "It's okay. We're okay." I reassured her as fresh tears poured down her face. "Come on, let's get out of here." I said pulling Lana out the door. She jerked away, glaring at me.

"ANDREA IVE HAD IT WITH YOU! IM GONNA KILL HIM!" I jumped as she screamed at me. After she calmed down she started pulling his body out of the door and to an old storage room. I followed her. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked bewildered. "I'm gonna keep him in here until I get him to admit that he's bloody face and I'm gonna get it on tape so he goes to prison. I'm sick of fearing for my life every second of every day!" I sighed, there was no stopping her so I might as well help. She drug him to the back of the cluttered room and I leaned mattresses up against bed springs to make a wall around him so he couldn't be seen from the door. When we were finished I heard voices outside the door. Lana grabbed me pulling me to the floor as we listened. "Where are they?!" I heard one of the sisters ask. The voices started to fade away so I jumped up leading the way out of the door. I jumped out, slamming into one of the sisters, the one who'd stayed behind to clean the halls. She jumped back alarmed. I smiled innocently at her. "What are you two doing in there?" She asked us. "Oh we were asked to get some flour for the kitchen, I'm sorry are you okay?" I asked laying a hand on her shoulder, pretending to be upset that I'd run into her. "Yes I'm fine, um, Sister Mary Eunice was looking for you Lana. Go down to her office." she said beginning to go into the storage room.

"AHEM! We don't, know where that is." I said hoping that didn't sound suspicious. "Oh okay, follow me." We followed her to Mary Eunice's office. I hoped she would forget about the storage room. Mary Eunice motioned for us to sit down. We took our seats waiting expectantly to hear what she had to say. "Before you woke up Andrea, Lana told me a long story about how you were 'kidnapped by Oliver Thredson' she says you were raped so we did a pregnancy test on both of you and it seems that you, Lana are pregnant. It's a boy!" I inhaled sharply, this news was like a punch in the face. "No you must be mistaken I mean... I can't have this baby!" Lana said shaking. "Oh you can have this baby. And you will have this baby!" She replied smiling broadly. "Okay, you two can leave. Seems like you're a clean slate Andrea!" We stood up to leave and suddenly Lana blacked out. I jumped towards her and caught her before she hit the ground. After she started to wake up I helped her to our cell.

"I can't believe this! You deserve to be burdened with this not me!" She cried. I sat in silence, letting her rave. "You're the one who's obsessed with him not me! You could start a damn family with him but no! I have to deal with it now!" She cried and put the blame on me until she finally fell asleep. I gently crept over to her bed, pulling the key out from under her mattress and made my way to the storage room. Oliver had woken up and was laying on the floor with his arms tied behind him and a gag in his mouth. He glared at me as I walked over to him with a cup of water. I pulled him up into a sitting position against the wall and took the gag out of his mouth so he could drink. "Hey." I whispered. He ignored me. "Oliver I'm sorry, I wanted to stay, I could have helped you but you just had it in your head to kill me. Why? I showed you love!" He looked into my eyes as I talked. "I thought you loved me but you didn't, you played me the whole time." he said as a tear ran down his face. "No baby I didn't! I actually loved you but you showed me that you can't be loved! No matter what I do you're gonna end up killing me so it can't work!" I said running my hand through his hair. "I did love you and I still do but I can't trust you."

"You can! Untie me now and we can kill Lana and end this!" My eyes widened in shock. "Oliver what the hell! That's what I'm talking about! I love Lana she's my best friend! I'm not going to do that!" "Then you don't love me as much as you thought you did do you?" He said glaring at me. I brushed the tear off his face. "I guess I'll never understand you. You know Lana is trying to send you to prison and get you killed right? I'm trying to save you and you're not helping." He looked interested in my words so I kept talking hoping I could get his attention even more and calm him down. "If you'll let me do what I have to do then I can save you and I'll stay with you forever if we can get out of here!" I could hear noises outside the door and decided I'd better get back to the cell I shared with Lana. "I love you, I really do!" I said kissing him on the forehead before walking out, shutting the door firmly behind me.

I rushed to our cell and climbed into bed after returning the key carefully under Lana's mattress. I laid there trying to sleep and asking myself over and over whether I was doing the right thing in trying to help Oliver. "What will tomorrow bring?" I whispered to myself. Life was sure throwing a lot of curve balls lately. I only wanted to keep myself and my best friend alive but it was proving to be harder and harder everyday.

Insane LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz