A day with Asuka

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A few days passed since the date(?) and wendy invited chelia to hangout with her. Wendy is also baby sitting asuka for the day

Wendy: Chelia!

Chelia: Wendy!

They hug

Wendy: how you been?

Chelia: I'm good nothing exciting happened recently

Chelia looks down and sees asuka

Chelia: whose this cutie?

Wendy: this is asuka

Asuka: h-hello

Chelia: hello asuka I'm chelia. I'm glad I got to meet you

Asuka: me too

Wendy: let's go to the park!

Chelia, Wendy, and Asuka head to the park. Asuka was playing in the sandbox while wendy and chelia sat on the bench

Wendy: hey chelia

Chelia: yeah

Wendy: I'm sorry

Chelia: for what?

Wendy: for my actions when we was at your house a few days ago

Chelia: why are you apologizing for?

Wendy: I talked to carla and she said that what I did when we slept in the same bed was inappropriate

Chelia: *blushing* you mean when you layed on top of me

Wendy: yeah like my face all up in your chest

Chelia: *blushing* yeah I remember that *in her mind* ( best moment of my life )

Wendy: I'm just saying I'm sorry and I won't do that again

Chelia: listen wendy I told you that anything you do won't make me hate you or make me mad at you or sad or anything so do what you want

Wendy: really!?

Chelia: yes I don't mind you doing what you like

Wendy: but carla said

Chelia: carla doesn't have my feelings so trust my feelings ok

Wendy face starts shinning

Chelia: *blushing* but if something happens then take responsibility

Wendy: I will I just need to...........

Chelia: need to what?

Wendy: ok I'm very confident right now

Chelia: ok?

Wendy: chelia please listen

Chelia: *blushing* ok!

Wendy Please TELL THE TRUTH!!!Where stories live. Discover now