Confession Time

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The story begins with a blue hair trying to impress a pink hair girl.
The blue hair girl is Wendy Marvell, a strong mage that can fight Demons and Dragons but cannot say the few words that she wants to say which is I love you. Wendy try's to confess to the pink hair girl named chelia. This is the story of obvious love

Wendy: this is the day I will confess my love to chelia and I won't fail. I've been practicing for this and I will see it through even if I get a rejection I will atleast know my answer

Wendy is standing outside of lamia scale looking at the door with a serious face. She breathes in and out to get herself pumped up. Wendy finally heads in

Wendy: I-I am here. Time to confess

Wendy looks around looking for chelia. She found her talking to her cousin. Wendy looks at chelia with blushing face acknowledging chelia beauty like a goddess. Chelia turns and see wendy near the door and heads towards wendy

Chelia: hey there wendy how you feeling?

Wendy: *blushing* hi chelia. I'm great how about you

Chelia: I am great. Life been good to me.

Wendy: *blushing* that's good to hear

Chelia: Thanks. So wendy what brings you to lamia scale?

Wendy: *blushing* w-well I wanted to ask you something

Chelia: ask me something or tell me something?

Wendy: *blushing* tell. I want to tell you something

Chelia: ok I'm listening *in her mind* ( is this the day she finally confess. I love her and I would confess but that won't help with her confidence. I know we will become a couple once she tells the truth about her feelings )

Wendy: *blushing* I.........I.........I.......

Chelia: yes?

Wendy: *blushing* I-I want to go on a quest with you

Chelia: sure I will pick out a quest for us to do together

Chelia walks of to pick out a mission for them to accomplish thinking to herself when will that day come when wendy confesses. While wendy........

Wendy: *in her mind* ( WHY!? WHY DID I CHICKEN OUT!? STUPID! )

Chelia comes back with a quest

Chelia: alright let's go

Wendy: *blushing* alright let's go

Chelia and Wendy heads to the train station

Chelia: here we are

Wendy: can we walk to our destination instead?

Chelia: why?

Wendy: I get motion sickness now

Chelia: sorry about that. We can walk but it will take 3 days and that's too long

Wendy Please TELL THE TRUTH!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora