Levi x Reader (ANGST: Hanahaki Disease)

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Y/N a ranked officer in the survey corps. Levi's best friend. And only best friend. Y/N had been in love with Levi for 3 years now. She never made a move though. For someone else had captured his heart. Petra.

The two had recently started 'talking' and flirting in very small ways. It hurt you greatly, but you loved him so much. You would want him to have everything in the world, especially love. But wished it was with you. It would be selfish of you to jeopardize his love life.

Just being around him was fine. Being best friends will suffice, but Y/N wanted a different type of love. She had been enduring the pain of watching the love of her life fall in love with someone else, but she bottled it up.

She would never cry. Never screamed. She accepted that she wasn't the one for him. So she longed for him from a distance. Over the past month, she slowly distanced herself from him. Levi didn't even notice.

She was fine. She endured it for such a long time now. Until she broke.

Y/N walked into Levi's office without knocking, it was a perk only his best friend had. You regret that so much now.

You walked in to see Levi and Petra sucking faces and basically grinding on each other. "I-im so sorry Corporal-" you quickly saluted and ran away.

You ran and ran and ran. You were now perched on the furthest wall, overlooking the freat beyond with the occasional 10m titan. The sun was setting, the sky slowly growing dark. Registering what happened, you let it out.

It's no use. You were bound to break from the beginning. You screamed at the horizon. Tears were uncontrollably streaming from your eyes. Your heart hurt so much. You dropped to your knees gripping your shirt tightly.

After all, the brain registers heartache as physical pain..

Suddenly you felt as if you couldn't breathe. You started to hack and cough. You coughed until a blood-stained petal came out of your mouth. 

a f-flower?

Hanahaki Disease: in which unrequited love results in flowers blooming within your lungs until you die. the only cure is to have it surgically removed and lose your feelings for the one you love or to confess.

More tears started to stream down your face. You fell asleep there. Surrounded by a couple of bloody petals.





You shot up quickly and realized you were still on the outer wall. You turned your head to see Hange next to you.


"y/n! Why are you out here? Everyone has been searching for you since yesterday! Wha-" Hange's voice trailed off as she notices the bloody flowers around you.

"oh- god.. y/n. How long?"

There was no use making an excuse, "started yesterday.."

"oh god.. it's Levi isn't it"

You looked away. Suddenly you were now in another coughing fit. Now you started coughing up more petals. "Oh god! We gotta do something! Let's go to his office and have you confess-"

"no! I don't want to ruin his relationship or our friendship. That'd be selfish of me. "

"then let's go get the operation!"

"I can't do that either. If I didn't love Levi or didn't have him, I wouldn't be me anymore"

"Y/N I-i can't lose you- I-" Hange started to break down before you. You simply hugged her. You both sat in silence, knowing spitting lies such as 'you won't lose me' wouldn't do any good.

Hange simply helped you to your room. You stayed there for a couple of days while Hange visited frequently. No one else did. Not even Levi.


You were now hacking up full flowers. The disease was progressing way faster than most cases. You had about a day left. 

Meanwhile, Hange was fuming. She barged in on Levi's office to smack some sense into him, but to her avail she found Petra. And Oulu making out.


Ironically Levi also walked in right after. 

"Levi I-" Petra started.

Levi's face was stoic. "Both of you out of my office. 100 laps and horse maintenance for a month". After they left, Hange slapped Levi across the face. "What the fuck, Shittyglasses!" he growled. 

"Don't wtf me you damn midget! You know! Why would you let her do this to herself?!" Hange raged, tears streaming.


"NO! Y/N SHE IS LITERALLY DYING BECAUSE OF YOU! I promised her I wouldn't tell, but she refuses to tell you or get the surgery- and- and I can't lose her because of your awful self.

"h-huh? y/n? dying?"

Guilt washes over him. Y/N. His best friend. She was the one who was there for him. And he hasn't check up on her in ages.. because of himself.

As if a lightbulb turned on, he realized that he did love y/n. He was oblivious before, but once he realized how much she means and what she has done, he immediately regretted everything.

"YOU SICK BASTARD!" Hange threw the bloody petals at him and stormed out. Levi looked at them in utter shock.

y/n has hanahaki disease?

His thoughts were interrupted by an ungodly screech.

Hange. Fuck.

Levi sprinted towards the screaming, but once he entered the room, he fell silent. There you were. Lifeless on a bed. Surrounded by blood and full flowers. The only thing not stained by blood was a note in her hand that read 'to Levi'.

Still, in shock and disbelief, he read the letter.

Dear Levi,

Please don't pity me. This is not your fault. I chose this. I love you. I've always loved you. But you never loved me back. I was content watching you from afar, but soon watching you was too painful. I always tried to make you happy. I have you all my time, love, my heart, and soul, but I wasn't enough. I never was. 

You remember that bet I made you a few days ago?


"Hey y/n-"

"you don't need to say anything Levi. I'm happy for you!"

"o-oh really? Thanks for always being supportive."

"Of course! Anything for my best friend! Hey, let's make a bet. Whoever can go the longest these next few days without talking wins!"


You did well those days, you won. Well, actually the past couple of months you did well. You did fine without me. Now do it again for the rest of your life.


Levi collapsed before you. Crying uncontrollably regretting everything.

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