Sweet!Levi x Reader

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Y/N awoke to the sun hitting her face. The tingling sensation helping her regain her consciousness.

Once aware of herself, she noticed something weighing on her. Levi.

The couple was entangled within one another in bed. Levi has his head resting on her chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Y/N laid on her back, one hand in his hair and the other around his neck and onto his back.

Unconsciously, she started playing with his hair as she looked outside the window of their apartment.

It was still early, the sun was rising and birds chirped outside. Sunlight slowly poured into the room and lit the inside of their cozy apartment.

As she was raking her fingers through the ravanettes hair, Y/N fell deep into a blank stare. She spaced out staring out past the walls.

Deep down, Y/N desired to freely roam the vast  unknown land past the wall. As she continued to dwell in her thoughts, Levi stirred next to her.

He gently fluttered his eyes open. He looked up to her and followed your gaze out the window. He lightly smiled, he found her intriguing, he loved her desire of adventure.

He let out a sigh and lifted his chin as he nuzzled his face into her neck. Y/N was snapped out of her trance by the sudden movement and started to blush.

Levi then leaned in close to your ear and whispered "we'll get there one day".

Y/N smiled. She then wrapped her arms around him as he flipped them over so she was laying on top of him.

They lingered in bed as he stroked her hair, whispering sweet nothings into her ear as she fiddled with his free hand.

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