Levi x Shy! Reader Part 1

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Y/N was never really the one to go out, party, or disobey. No one really noticed her. Deep down, Y/N had a dark past she covers. She joined the Survey Corps as a way to surpass her emotional pain and maybe convert it to physical.

Many people have questioned why she had joined, but no one had seen her train yet. Y/N's traumatic past has led her to work out daily and condition herself. She took part in kickboxing and martial arts. She also taught herself how to fight in hand to hand combat. She was a very fit and active person but didn't want to draw attention to her body, so she always covered up in sweatshirts.

She also kept herself busy. Before she joined the Survey Corps, she would often read and do research. When she wasn't busy building her well-toned and muscular body, she would often read about ancient wonders outside the wall as well as the studies of the human anatomy, titan culture, and the history of humanity within the walls.

One day, she grew sick and tired of living her life in such a dull manner. Flashbacks of her chaotic past became often and vivid. She then gave in to her rash decision to join the Survey Corps.


Y/N had finally succeeded in joining the survey corps. Though many paid no mind to her outside with her appearance, many did here. She wore her hood up and was clad in loose clothing. Her head down as she passed all the questionable faces of shock and distant whispers that question her attendance here.

Everyone had noticed her.

EVERYONE.. including the Corporal

Levi POV

Levi was observing the new recruits. There was a test being conducted. All the cadets who had chosen to become part of the Survey Corps were told to report to the courtyard and follow directions. So far, no one had taken the clue. There were no superiors around, no one to give them directions, instead, there were clues that hint what they should do. 

Everyone was just socializing, not one had passed. Or so Levi thought.

After rolling his eyes and muttering a small "tch" he started noticing the gossip slowly rising. Gossip about a girl who shouldn't be here? About a girl who is too soft? About a girl who doesn't know what she is doing and is weak? My eyes started searching for this girl they spoke of when they landed on quite a peculiar girl.

She was small and wore large clothing that makes her look sluggish and weak. But what really caught my attention was her actions. She was by herself, eyes glued to the floor walking towards the second clue.

The path she was following was the first clue, pavement with faint arrows one wouldn't see unless searching for. Soon enough she was the first and only cadet to have passed. Those who succeeded to see the clues will be lead to HQ where a set of keys, uniforms, and note lay waiting for those who passed.

The note instructed each cadet to take the keys to their assigned rooms and to change into uniform then return to the courtyard in the east corner.

Levi, now fully captivated by the girl's witts, followed her throughout her little scavenger hunt. 'She must be one of those gifted with knowledge" he thought. He slowly grew more and more curious about you.

Your POV

You finally change into the uniform and figure out all the buckled and straps. The uniform you were given fit your body very snug, almost as they were expecting a scrawny twig. The uniform hugged your curves and defined your toned body. After being in shock with your reflection, you quickly left for the courtyard.

You arrive and make your way towards the east corner, as you do you feel a lot of people staring at you. Now the whispers have changed into

"Where did she come from?"

"look at her body!"

"where'd she get the uniform"

"did we miss some sort of announcement?"

You ignored their comments and continued to your destination. Once you arrived, you faced the front of HQ, stood up straight with your hands behind your back, and chin up as you waited.

Levi POV

Levi saw that this girl had followed directions. He was then completely invested in learning more about you. He summoned his squad and Erwin to HQ immediately and found out that your name was Y/N and what happened to you in your past.

After the brief background check, he, along with the other superiors made their way to the HQ. Once their presence was acknowledged, the cadets shut up and saluted them.

"All of you have FAILED your first test. All of you except for Y/N" Levi announced

Small murmurs broke out, questioning the corporal's statement.

Levi rose a brow and spoke once more. "Y/N please step forward."

You did as told. You stepped up and saluted.

Many people started to gossip.

"no way that's her!"

"I mean I guess she did hide her body, I never knew she hid THAT tho"

"oh my wall maria-"

You ignored their remarks once more and maintained your stoic expression. Levi then went on about how you used the clues around you and common sense to achieve her rank. He also scolded those who made shitty remarks. 

Once he was done, he dismissed everyone to go get their uniforms and called you over to him.

"Y/N report to my office in a half-hour," he said to me. I nodded my head while he dragged his team to his office now. Once he shoved all of his squad inside HQ he looked back out at me once more. My E/C eyes meeting his steel grey ones with a piercing gaze. I blushed and quickly looked away, praying to Wall that he didn't notice.

Little did I know..

Levi x Reader ONESHOTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora