chapter one

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So since this follows the first season of Young Justice I am going to try my best to stick to the timeline of the series. No promises however seeing as this is a fanfiction. (If y'all could give me ship ideas for Wanda and Pietro that would be grand!)

Washington, D.C.

July 04, 14:00 EDT

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice." Green Arrow smiled proudly at Speedy as he stood with Batman, Robin, Aquaman, and Aqualad before the grand building.

"Headquarters of the Justice League." Aquaman added, hands on his hips.

"Oh man." The group of heroes turned around to see Flash and Kid Flash zoom up, the younger crossing his arms over his chest. "I knew we'd be the last ones here."

The group talked for a few minutes before making their way towards the building, walking through a mob of people snapping pictures of them. Speedy snapped at Kid Flash not to call them sidekicks anymore and Kid Flash apologized, stating that he was overwhelmed.

"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed, why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?" Robin mused, entering the building to see the gigantic statues of the founding seven members of the Justice League. "Oh, maybe that's why."

The doors beneath the statues opened, revealing Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter, who greeted the younger heroes and welcomed them into the inner sanctum, listing off the privileges they now had. Kid Flash and Robin fist bumped as they followed the two Justice League members into the inner sanctum. The teens all took seats except for Speedy, who crossed his arms and glared at the backs of the League members as they went to leave for a quick meeting.

"That's it? You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified back stage pass." He growled.

"Its a first step, you've been granted access few others get." Aquaman tried to calm the teen down.

Speedy went on a rant about respect while Green Arrow tried to get him to stay, ultimately failing as Speedy tossed his hat on the ground and stormed off, leaving everyone in a stunned silence.

That is until the computer went off, alerting everyone of an incoming message from Superman. He told the Justice League of a fire at Project Cadmus before being interrupted by Zatara, who alerted them of Wotan's plan to blot out the sun. Superman admitted the fire was small and that local authorities could handle it before disconnecting.

Batman told the remaining teens, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Robin, to stay put as they weren't ready to deal with League threats before exiting with the rest of the Justice League members. The three remaining teens quickly decided together to go to Project Cadmus to solve the Justice League's case before them, as a sort of poetic justice, Robin hacking the computer to get the coordinates and information they needed on Cadmus before they took off.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the sight of the fire, Kid Flash running ahead to save two men falling from the building. Robin was right behind him, running up the fire engine to grapple into the building, helping Kid Flash into the window. Aqualad used the firemen's hose water to create water twisters to raise him to the window so he could climb in.

"Appreciate the help." He chided his companions.

"You handled it. Besides, we're here to investigate. Poetic justice, remember." Robin replied with a smirk, typing away at a computer while Kid Flash looked through files.

Aqualad walked into the hallway, staring off at the elevator at a strange creature as the doors closed. "There's something in the-"

"Elevators should be locked down." Kid Flash cut him off as Robin raced by.

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