Chapter 2

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I smiled and closed the door. I was in no rush at all. I didn't mind having to wait for Kelly. I started the car and played with the buttons on the radio until I found something decent to listen to while I waited for Kelly to say her goodbyes.

They stood at the rear of the car talking for a few minutes before they hugged. Harry opened the car door for her and waved at me.

"Goodbye Harold." I said waving back at him.

He laughed. "Bye Andrea."

Kelly gave him a quick peck on the cheek and smiled.

"I'll text you later." Said Harry closing the car door.

I sat there waiting for the boys to pull out of their spot.

I didn't want to drive away just yet. If I didn't scream I wouldn't be able to drive, I had to let it out.

I took a quick glance from my side mirror; the boys were halfway towards the other half of the lot.

Before I could even think Kelly began shouting.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD, that did not just happen." Kelly was breathless.

I smiled at her before speaking. "I knew we said we would meet them one day... but I honestly didn't think we would, I especially didn't think they would walk right up to us like 'Hey what's up girls? Wanna catch a movie?' Dude my fangirl heart can't take it! I can't I can't!"

"You? What about me. I've been waiting to meet Harry for YEARS. I finally met him and it's all thanks to you, if you hadn't dropped your keys we would have never met them. Thanks for switching with me. THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SOOOO MUCH."

"Alright calm down Kel, breath. I didn't mind, I'm not into Harry. You know I've always had a thing for Niall. We have to remain calm. I know you're already planning your wedding with Harry but snap out of it. We're friends with Harry and Niall. We can't mess this up."

Later that day...

"Dude that's my bag." I said looking over at Kelly from the couch.

She rolled her eyes. "No its not, I think I know my own bag."

I laughed as I got up taking the bag from her hands. I opened it pulling out my charger and headphones from the side pocket. Once she noticed it really was my bag she gave me a look that said shut up bitch.

We had identical school bags, she had gotten them for us sophomore year.

I laughed, "Enough with the crap, we need to study."

Just then my phone began to ring.

"Hey Kel answer it for me."

"Um I think you might wanna answer it yourself."

I was a bit confused. "Why? Who is it?"

She gave my the creepiest smile. "Niall."

Oh God.

I quickly composed myself. "Hello?"

"Hey, sorry to call so late. I hope I didn't wake you or anything."

"No, that's fine. Kelly and I we actually studying."

"Oh in that case I'm sorry to bother you."

Niall you precious little thing.

"Nah, don't worry. We were goofing off, we're too tired to focus."

"Well I just wanted to see what you were doing tomorrow, maybe we could hangout or something?"

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