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"You don't need to know that now, but this is not the end."

Nessa's POV

His hands were on my throat.

"You don't deserve this."

"What are you talking about!" I yell, choking out my words.

He tipped the chair back, and before I hit the ground I shot up.

"Hey, hey." Kian says, stroking my arm. I catch my breath.

"Shhh." Kian whispers, kissing my shoulder. "It was just a dream."

I lean back and close my eyes.

"Was it the same one?" He asks me. I close my eyes, putting my arms around him.

"Yeah." I exhale. He holds me close to him.

"Want some water?" He asks.

"Yes, please." I say. He gets up, and goes to go grab the water.

"Be right back." He says, and I nod at him. I rub my eyes, and look at my phone. 2:47 am.

"Crap." I say to myself. I have had nightmares about someone taking me since Lauren and Alex's engagement. I have seen shrink after shrink and they all tell me that I will get over it with time.

I see Roni texted me last night.

Alright love you.

Kian walks in with a glass of water, and some oreos.

"Here." He says, and I smile, setting the cookies down on my nightstand, and sipping the water.

Kian sits down and rubs my thigh.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"We can try to find someone else, a different therapist, a doctor..." He starts.

"Kian." I put a hand on his, and he looks up at me. He has tears in his eyes.

"I don't want to see you like this Nessa." He inhales sharply. "I can't protect you from him."

"I know, you have to trust that time will help it-"

"Time?" Kian asks. He moves his hand.

"Yeah, like the doctor said.."

"Screw the doctor." He says, standing up.

"Kian." I warn him.

"No, I want you to tell me one doctor that didn't just tell you that its because your sister almost died in an elevator, and that someone kidnapped you, that is NORMAL to scream in your sleep."

"I can't." I say in a small voice. He sighs. He gets on his knees on the floor in front of me.

"I love you, Vanessa." He says, holding my hands. "And I want to protect you, but I don't know how to help you."

"I don't know how to help me either." I say, holding back a sob. He holds me, and I wonder why he is holding me so tight, almost like he thinks if he does that nothing would hurt me.

Roni's POV

"Roni." Aaron said. "RONI."

"What." I turn to him, and he puts his hands up.

"Jeez I was just making sure you are okay."

"I'm fine, I just texted Nessa like an hour ago and she didn't respond."

"Well maybe she is with Kian."

"With Kian?"

"You know doing the" He interlocks his fingers and makes a dirty face.

"Aaron! That's gross." I hit his shoulder.

"Yeah, Yeah." He says, turning back to his computer.

"Come here." He says. I get off his bed and he lets me sit on his lap.

"What are you doing?" I ask, looking at the screen.

"Playing fortnite." He says.

"Ugh." I say, looking at my phone and leaning my head on Aaron's shoulder. "Why would she ignore me." I ask him.

"Maybe she's asleep, its late." He says, kissing my head.

"Yeah." I say, texting Kian.

Sorry to bother you, just want to make sure Nessa is okay.

I send it, and Aaron rubs my thigh.

"I love you." He says.

"Love you too." I say. "I'm gonna get some food." I stand up, and walk to the kitchen.

I hear the door open, and Alex stumbles in.

"Alex, are you good?" I ask.

"I'm just tireddd." He says. He sits down at the counter.

"Are you hungry?" I ask him.

"Are you offering to make me something?" He asks, his head resting on his arm.

"What would you like?" I ask.

"Peanut Butter and Jelly." He says.

"Coming up." I say.

"Why can't I find a girl like you, Roni?" He asks.

"I don't know, Alex." I say, smiling, taking the jelly and peanut butter and setting it on the counter.

"I miss Lauren." He says.

"Aw, Alex." I say, rubbing his shoulder.

"But she's 'happy with him' they say. I thought she was the one, Roni." He says.

"I know, Alex." I say, making his sandwich. "What were you out for?" I ask him.

"I just drove, Roni."

"Yeah?" I look up at him.

"I just drove." He starts to close his eyes.

"You know there is someone out there, right, that you will be happy, with time."

"I hope you are right, Veronica Merrell, cause if my life goes bad, I'm blaming it on you." He points at me, and I set the sandwich in front of him.

"Well, I believe that there is a perfect girl out there for you."

"Mhm." He says, eating his sandwich.

I laugh, and put the stuff in the fridge.

"Roni?" I hear Aaron yell.

"Coming!" I yell back. I look at Alex. "I'll be back." I walk to Aaron's room, and Aaron is on the phone. My phone screen turns on and there are tons of notifications.

"What's wrong?" I ask. He scratches the back of his head.

"That's crazy, okay."

"What?" I ask him.

"I think Lauren is pregnant." Aaron says. I open my mouth and look back to the kitchen, and back to Aaron.

"Wait...what?" I ask.


Guys its been a longggg time. I'm ready to get back into this again and I am sorry to anyone who was mad, I made this story shift times to two years later, and I want to know who you guys ship Alex with... please comment below, I would love to know! But for real guys I want to start some more stories... and start this account up again I miss writing so much and I know a lot of you liked this story! Much more to come!

Make sure to vote and comment, also follow for possibly some more ronron stories, some kianessa content, and I have another story with ronron and alessa...(I ship alessa too I'm sorry :)

Lmk any other ships you like, maybe I will make some more stories for your favorite youtubers, I love too many of them

I love ya'll sm thanks for reading!


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