The collab

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Veronica's POV 

I was supposed to be editing my homework for films class, but I was looking at Aaron's Instagram. His smile was enough to make me giggle. 

" What's so funny?" Nessa asks, looking up from her homework. 

"Nothing." I say. 

"Tell me." She insists. 

"It's nothing Nessa." She gives me a 'yeah right' look, and looks back at her computer. I look back at the page to find an email popped up over top of  Aaron's photos. 

Veronica and Vanessa Merrell,

                              Hi, this is the Dolan twins, and we would like to know if you guys want to col-lab with us at Vidcon this weekend??

I turn the computer towards Nessa. 

"They want to col-lab at Vidcon." 

"Who?" Nessa squints at the screen. "Oh." 

"Should we?" I ask her. She takes the computer and suddenly smiles. 

"Why were you looking at Aaron's Instagram?" 

"Give it back." I snatch it from her hands and open the email back up. 

"I think we should." I start to reply back.

Dear Grayson and Ethan, 

" What about Aaron?" 

"Nessa, I told you, were just friends." 

We would love to col-lab with you at vidcon! What time would you guys want to get together at?

RonRon- Aaron Burris and Veronica MerrellWhere stories live. Discover now