Author's Note

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Well, my beloved readers, we made it.

I can't believe I finished another book so soon after finishing the last one. This has been really fun to write. It was my first time writing something from the original trilogy with a dash of Legends.

To all my faithful readers, thank you for supporting me and enjoying this story. Thank you for your funny and sweet comments that make my day.

I will be posting a behind the scenes for Fighting Fear in my Behind the Scenes book soon, so stay tuned for that.

If you want more Star Wars fanfiction like this one, The Adventures of Skywalker and Solo is up and in the works. I also have a few original trilogy one shots in The Lost Tales and Legends. Broken Survivor is a completed Star Wars: The Clone Wars fanfic that is popular and I have a few other fanfics from that show and Rebels. I also write fanfics for The Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones and other franchises.

Thank you for reading and, again, stay tuned for the behind the scenes post.

May the Force be with you.

– Ahsoka-2Sabers

Star Wars: Fighting FearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora